Christian wife forced to live with husband who converts to Islam


Pakpattan, Pakistan: May 22, 2017. (PCP) A Christian woman named Shakeela Bibi cries before Muslim judge in open court that she cannot live with her husband to has accepted Islam with his family but Muslim Judge is mum and comments that she must also convert to Islam and live with her husband. Shakeela Bibi uproars that she is not ready to abandon her Christian faith and ready to leave her husband but none is ready to help her not law of land nor prevailing Islamic system of state. According to reports, Shakeela Bibi a young Christian lady along with her Poor father Manna Masih met with Christian attorney Javed Sahotra and told him that she married to Aslam Masih, a christian male with consent of parents. Aslam Masih and his parents converted to Islam 4 years after marriage because they reside in 23 /E.B Tehsil Arifwa District Pakpattan where their family is alone Christian family. After conversion of Aslam now his name is Muhammad Aslam. Mohammad Aslam has filed two suits against Shakeela Bibi Christian lady regarding Restitution of conjugal rights and suit for declaration that shakeela is Muslim. Shakeela Bibi also filed petition for dissolution of marriage against Mohammad Aslam on the ground that her husband changed his religion. Shakeela Bibi is crying before the court of Mohammad Asif learned judge family court Arifwala that her religion is Christianity. At last She requested to Attorney Javed Sahotra and Sajid Christopher for persuing her cases and Save her belief. Javed sahotra will file his power of attorney on fixed date 22 may 2017, on behalf of innocent young Christian lady and will protect her belief in the court of law.

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