Famous Christian attorney Joseph P Boota, served legal notice to Rev. Salamat Khokhar .


Karachi. August 30. Advocate sindh High Court and Legal Advisor to All Pakistan Council Of Churches Karachi, Mr. Joseph P. Boota advocate, said that he served the legal notice to Rev. Salamat Khokhar as followed with these Comments: This is for to a

That any person /office dealing with Salamat Khokher son of Sharif Khokher will be at their own sole risk and cost, The All Pakistan Council of Churches is not responsible for the same as the Bishop Rev.Inayat Bhatti has been replaced. It is learned that with church funds Rev. Salamat Khokhar approached the high official in the administration to file baseless and Concorde allegation against the highly respected evangelist in world Rev Khalid Mansoor Soomro in Mahmoodabad Police station to cover his vested interests. The different churches in Pakistan and social welfare organizations have been demanding action against Rev. Salamat Khokhar but the administration is neglecting the Christians demands.

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