Washington, D.C: “It is our duty to support the people of Kashmir who are struggling for their right to self-determination. Our objective has
ISLAMABAD: July 26, 2017. (PCP) Islamabad based minority rights Christian journalist Shamim Masih faced attacked by unknown person in the twin city (Islamabad/Rawalpindi) on July 22. On Saturday late evening, when he was travelling towards his house unknown assailants opened fire on him that hit his car. The bullets hit his car but he managed to escape. Earlier he was attacked and beaten by two unknown motorcyclist as a result his arm was fractured for his writing on minorities’ issues after Youhanabad twin Churches bomb attack in 2015.
Talking to Nazir S Bhatti, the editor Pakistan Christian Post (PCP), Mr. Shamim Masih said that “on July 22 at about 2130 hours, when I was on the way back to my home on my car Suzuki Bleno, while driving the nearby street to my house, I noticed that something hit hard on car, I was shocked and scared and managed to escape. On reaching house, I found the dent of bullet fired on the car”. “I was as scared as it was first time that somebody attacked on me and soon after parking the car and went inside the house. Next morning, I took one of my colleagues and a relative with me visit the nearby police station and filed an application narrating the whole episode. But no FIR was registered, he added.
He went on add that after writing a story “Qadri Supporters have become political power, claimed Sheikh Rasheed” he received threatening phone calls. But thought of usual matter as it was routine matter for me receiving such type of phone calls for writing on minorities’ issues and rights as Pakistani citizen.
It is pertinent to mention here that it is not the first threat as journalist Shamim is facing. There are number of threatening phone calls and even harsh words with some religious extremist has become routine matter for writing on rights of the minorities especially Christians. But the latest episode is unique which made my whole family worried as my wife is asking me to leave this profession, which I cannot at any cost. Though this incident has put me and my family under constant threat but I believe that God wants me to write for His people under stress and strain. I know that my credibility and objectivity rest on my ability to be proactive in highlighting issues revolving religion and victimization of religious minorities. What has alarmed us is the fact that authorities do not extend any help or support.
He is planning to shift his house as the landlord advised him to evacuate the house
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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti
On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.