Former Pakistani Christian Parliamentarian demands release of innocent Christian


Liverpool, UK: December 12, 2017. (PCP) Mr. Saleem KHursheed Khokhar, Advocate High Court of Sindh, Former Member of Parliament Sindh Assembly, Former Chairman Standing Committee on Minorities Affairs Sindh Assembly and Former Parliamentary Secretary, Livestock and Fisheries Government of Sindh, Pakistan has wrote a letter to Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, copies sent to Minister of Interior Pakistan, Chief Minister Punjab, Secretary Interior, Pakistan, Chief Secretary, Punjab and Human Rights organizations, shows his concern regarding release of all the culprits of Tahreek-e-Labaiq who damaged all the properties, killed and injured police officers and innocent persons. He wrote that on 15-03-2015 when two Christian Churches i.e. Catholic Church and Christ Church Youhanabad were attacked during Sunday Service in province of Punjab, Pakistan and due to this incident 15 innocent Christians including two police officers were killed, 30 people were critically injured. The Islamic Militant Group Jammaat Al-Harar claimed the responsibility of the incident. With great sorrow he wrote that 15 people lost their lives and after all this, 78 Christians people are still in prison in miserable consideration and the Deputy Attorney General of Punjab Government offered them to embrace Islam if they want release. He demands that if the religious minorities have equal rights in Pakistan then Government of Pakistan and Government of Punjab should release those innocent Christians like those Tahreek-e-Labaiq Protestors who did nothing worse than the protesters.

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