Washington, D.C: “It is our duty to support the people of Kashmir who are struggling for their right to self-determination. Our objective has
In this world of intellect and wisdom, lots of initiatives and programmes have been introduced by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) to promote the oldest and noblest cause of spreading and gaining knowledge. HEC lead by prudent mind Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman endeavored to change the fate of nation through bold and innovative steps. It is only education that can avert the decree of fate of any nation and the timely taken decisions by HEC are the tangible evidences of the afore mention fact. HEC played the role of Masseeha to improve the worst conditions of higher education in our beloved country by using state of the art and technology. The enhancement of the education standards in degree awarding universities/institutes recognized by HEC in Pakistan through Tenure Track System (TTS) is another bold decision to improve the faculty for the better quality of higher education. However, in every department there are few people, who play the role of black sheep to damage the image of the prestigious departments of the state/universities.
For instance, the Quaid-I-Azam University (Q.A.U.) Islamabad, which of course contributed a lot in the various fields from political to bureaucratic growth of the country. Recently, the Q.A.U. advertised the posts of Lecturer in the department of Defence & Strategic Studies (D.S.S.). The eligibility criteria for these posts was that the candidates should have, "First Class Master Degree OR equivalent degree awarded after 16 years of education in the relevant field with no 3rd division in the academic career from an HEC recognized University/Institute". HEC as we know that stands for 'Higher Education Commission', deals with the higher education in Pakistan. HEC recognized University/Institute means that, ' All those Universities/Institutes, which are providing/giving bachelors, Masters, M.Phil, Doctorate and professional degrees and HEC own them. The list of the HEC Recognized Institutes/Universities is available on their official website, which clearly shows that HEC recognized Degree Awarding Institutes not colleges or institutes, which provide F.A, F.SC, Matriculations, Middle and Primary education certificates/documents.
Before Bachelors degree there are independent Boards to deal with the F.A, F.Sc, Matriculations, Middle and Primary examinations, which are independent from HEC to deal their matters. HEC has no concerns with them. So, the academic career in HEC Recognized University/Institute is limited and starts from Graduation. There is division in HEC recognized University/Institute degree certification and in any Intermediate Board certificate/document certification. The attestation of degrees/transcripts and diplomas awarded by the chartered universities/degree awarding institutions of Pakistan both in public and private sector was transferred to the Higher Education Commission by the Government of Pakistan in May, 2000. HEC deals and certify only degrees not certificates of colleges. In other words HEC deals with Graduation and the degrees, which are more than graduation and also they should be affiliated with HEC recognized Universities and Institutes. The details of attestation is available on HEC official website.
For the certification of F.A, F.SC, Matriculations and other certifications equalent to that, dealt by the Inter Board Committee of Chairmen (IBCC), Islamabad. This is the unambiguous division to prove HEC recognized University/Institute academic career. So, the 3rd division in F.Sc will not consider in HEC recognized University/Institute academic career because it is before Graduation degree. And it is also discussed in early paragraphs that HEC only recognizes Degree Awarding Institutes.
The advertisement given by Q.AU. for the post of Lecturer in the department of Defence & Strategic Studies is being misinterpreted by the people regarding minimum qualification. According to the advertisement, the minimum qualification for the post of Lecturer is, "First Class Master Degree OR equivalent degree awarded after 16 years of education in the relevant field with no 3rd division in the academic career from an HEC recognized University/Institute". If the statement of Minimum Qualification for the post of Lecturer considers the 3rd division in F.A/F.Sc and Matriculations, then the statement should be written as, "First Class Master Degree OR equivalent degree awarded after 16 years of education in the relevant field with no 3rd division in the entire academic career". After writing this there is no need to mention about HEC because technically and logically HEC recognized University/Institute are Degree Awarding Institutes not certificate/document awarding institutes. By writing the word 'entire' it will automatically become clear that the division will be considered in the through out academic career.
If the statement of Minimum Qualification is written as, "First Class Master Degree OR equivalent degree awarded after 16 years of education in the relevant field with no 3rd division in the entire/throughout academic career from an HEC recognized University/Institute". Even if the statement of Minimum Qualification is written as then it will again not effect any case of third division in F.Sc because technically as I have already explained that HEC recognized University/Institute, which are Degree Awarding Institutes. The list is available on HEC official website.
Following that one of the candidate having third division in F.Sc was earlier considered and was issued the letter to compete in the written test, but later he was harassed, psychologically tortured and forced not to come & compete by some faculty member of D.S.S. department. One of the harassing member shared with the candidate that, "if you will come, some other faculty members would walk out from the department selection committee because they are against you". The question arises that if the candidate was ineligible then why the authorities of the university issued the letter on the first hand and on the other hand, upon the insistence of the candidate the university issued the official regret letter only few hours before the test. The letter itself is objectionable because of the fact that HEC agreed on the application by the candidate to the HEC Chairman on this issue and HEC replied to the candidate, "I agree that the phrased sentence is ambiguous and needs to be clarified. This clarification shall be incorporated in the eligibility criteria". Even during oral discussion, HEC officials said that, "we consider academic career of an HEC recognized University/Institute from graduation. But this question needs more clarification and we are going to meet on this issue".
The decision of scrutiny committee to cancel the candidate's application for the Lecturer post after sending him the invitation for written test is not in accordance with rules & regulations pertaining to the appointment of Lecturers in the university. Infact, the above decision can be admissible for admission in M.A / M.Sc degree in the university and not for the appointment of Lecturers in the university. As the candidate have already made a petition to the Higher Education Commission (HEC), Islamabad on this point on 26 July 2007 and a decision from the said institute is still awaited. The post advertisement published in daily newspaper clearly states the rules & regulations of eligibility criteria defined by HEC but not rules & regulations defined by university scrutiny committee. Therefore, without having consent from the HEC, the scrutiny committee of Q.A.U. has violated the said rules & regulations set for above appointment procedure.
Now again, even if the candidate was ineligible, which of course he was not because the HEC decision was still awaited. There was a sophisticated way to tackle the issue, if the so-called or the sudo intellectuals treat with the youth in such a way then what would happen with the future of this deprived nation. This situation reminds me a lyric of Allama Iqbal,
"Shikayatt Hay Mujhe Ya Rabb Khudda-Wanddane Maktabb Se
Sabbaq Shaheen Bachon Ko De Rahey Hain Khakkbazi Ka".
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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti
On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.