Handicapped missionary attacked and robbed in Karachi. By Robin Fernandez. PCP report


KARACHI: November 4. Thieves broke into the apartment of a paraplegic pastor and roughed him up before making off with a bounty of cash and goods late last month.

The pastor's home is less than half a kilometer away from the scene of a bloody shoot-out between Pakistani security forces and Al-Qaeda members some weeks ago. After committing the burglary the robbers left a note for the wheelchair-bound Pastor Glenn Potter with the apartment building watchman. The note said that a bomb had been placed in his black Honda Civic car parked near the West Point Towers building elevator. Although the bomb scare turned out to be a hoax, it did terrify the people living in his apartment building. The headlights of the pastor's car were found turned on and it seemed that the robbers did inspect the vehicle but they neither stole nor tampered with anything from it. Posing as visitors to Pastor Glenn Potter's house, the three robbers earlier entered the multistory West Point Towers building in Defence Phase 2 Extension and forced their way into his apartment. According to Pastor Glenn, the robbers were trailing a student who had entered his house moments before the burglars struck. His front door is almost never locked and was an easy picking for the robbers, who swiped 20,000 rupees from the pastor's house and took some other valuables as well. Pastor Glenn Potter is the first Pakistani to run the Calvary Charismatic Center, also located in Defence Phase II Extension, which is a local affiliate of the Pentecostal Church of Singapore. Besides achieving recognition as a pastor, Potter is a much-admired teacher and inspiration for handicapped people in the country. His small Pentecostal group is one of the most active evangelizing forces in the city.

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On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com