Gospel progress in Iran. Global prayer Digest. October 23, 2002. Submitted by Angela Watkins


"Since Iran's Islamic Revolution in 1979, more Iranians have found Christ than at any previous time period." The pastor tried to ignore the tapping on his cell door. "Lord, make him go away," he prayed. The exhaustion of nearly a month in prison

Yet the prison guard's pleading words tugged at him. "You must tell me about your Jesus!" The weary soldier of Christ recalled the recent service where 24 new Iranian believers were baptized. It might have been the highest number of Iranians baptized at one time in hundreds of years. He felt a renewal of hope, and the hatred for the Muslims he served melted away. He talked with the guard. Four hours later the guard knelt in submission to his Savior and accepted Jesus Christ into his heart and life. The pastor wept with the new believer, realizing that God had replaced his own bitterness with a new measure of love for the Iranian people to whom he had been called. Since Iran's Islamic Revolution in 1979, more Iranians have found Christ than at any previous time period. Praise God for successful witness in Iran. Pray for Christians in Iran as they share Jesus while under constant threat of persecution. Pray for their encouragement and that they might see the fruit of their efforts in souls won for the kingdom of God.-PE "In those days Israel had no king; and everyone did as he saw fit" Jud. 21:25. And so ends the book of Judges. This period in Israel's history was filled with shame, confusion, and despair. The Lord Himself was supposed to be the king of this kingdom of priests. But the people given this high calling repeatedly dishonored His name by worshiping false gods and doing what they saw fit to do rather than obeying their king's laws. It is easy to judge them for their disobedience when we read Judges. But don't we do the same today when we do as we see fit rather than obey the clear command of Scriptures to glorify God's name among every nation? King Jesus, we want to bring You glory. Teach us to obey You and to honor, not shame, Your name among the peoples.

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