Gospel Fire Crusade In Pakistan. Report by Angela Watkins.


Chack Jhumra. November 29. Brother Muqaddam Zia, of Gospel Fire Missions, led the Gospel Fire Crusade on November 26, 2002 in Chack Jhumra, in Punjab province of Pakistan with large attendance of 370 people. The plot had been filled with men, women,

After that Brother Dr.William Johnson proclaimed the message of Gospel that God is our Father and only Jesus is our Saviour. In addition, the remarkable signs and wonders proved that God is truly alive and the Gospel is the real Word of God. Many Catholics and some Muslims attended the crusade. One Muslim named Abddullah Awais got converted. Glory to the name of God. It was a blessed crusade in all senses where one could envisage that the Gospel will be preached more in Pakistan in the future and thus many Pakistanis will come to the salvation of God. Appeal for the pray that God may use Gospel fire Mission leaders in Pakistan more strongly for His work under his mighty shield.

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