
OPEN LETTER: Call to Suspend Aberdeen’s Voluntary Agreement Process Pending Scottish Parliament Action

London: Mr Stephen Booth Corporate Landlord and all Elected Members

Aberdeen City Council

Marischal College 

Broad Street


AB10 1AB

Open Letter to Stephen Booth, Corporate Landlord, and All Elected Members



Scottish Parliament Petition Committee's Review of Wilson and Hannah Chowdhry’s RAAC Petition

London: (By Hannah Chowdhry and Juliet Chowdhry) SPICe (Scottish Parliament Information Centre - provides impartial research and analysis)  indicated that while funding specifically for RAAC-related repairs isn’t currently offered, the Scottish Government did previously have a sch


Amid Escalating Immigration Raids in Thailand, BACA’s Financial Aid Brings Solace to Persecuted Pakistani Christian Asylum Seekers

London: (By Hannah Chowdhry and Juliet Chowdhry) Thousands of Pakistani Christian families fleeing severe religious persecution are stranded in Thailand, a country with strict immigration laws that does not recognize asylum seekers, forcing them to live as undocumented immigrants. These families,


Bringing Clean Water and Renewed Hope to Saif ul Mari: BACA Installs Water Pump for Vulnerable Communities

London: (By Hannah Chowdhry) In a life-changing initiative, the British Asian Christian Association (BACA) has installed a water pump for the Christian and Hindu communities in the remote settlement of Saif ul Mari, Mirpur Khas. The new pump provides safe drinking water directly to the residents&


Juliet Chowdhry Trustee for BACA Calls for Justice and Protection for Vulnerable Christian Women After Brutal Assault on Eman Khuram

London: (By Hannah Chowdhry) A young Christian woman, aged 18, was tragically raped by a Muslim man in Sheikhupura. The perpetrator lured the victim to an isolated brick factory, where he assaulted her and threatened to kill her brother if she revealed the incident to anyone.

In an atte


Rwadari Tehreek Pakistan announces to observe “Week for Tolerance” in connection with International Day for Tolerance

Lahore: Rwadari Tehreek Pakistan, a social movement striving for the advancement of religious & political tolerance, social inclusion, democratic values and fundamental freedoms has announced to observe a “Week for Tolerance” to celebrate International Day for Tolerance. The Unite


Edward Mountain MSP Backs RAAC Homeowners’ Petition as Campaigners Push for £3.4bn Fund Allocation. A Report by Wilson Chowdhry

London: Wilson Chowdhry, Chairman of the UK RAAC Campaign Group, alongside his daughter Hannah, has registered an online petition on the Scottish Parliament petition portal, which will be considered by the Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee during its meeting on 13 November 2024


Muslim man rapes six year old Christian girl in Pakistan. Reported by Qaisar Loudhi

Lahore: The sweeper of Ahsan Cadet Academy Faisal Town Lahore raped a 6-year-old Christian girl named Munahil Samson.A team of HARDS (Humanitarian Action for Rights and Development Society) visited the site and met the victim's family, after following up on the case, they went to the Punjab F


Pakistani Christian Family Detained in Thailand Faces Imminent detention Without Financial Aid. Report by Hannah Chowdhry

London: In Custody: Innocent Pakistani asylum seekers seated at a desk in the Immigration Detention Centre, facing the threat of brutal incarceration, particularly affecting women and children.

A Pakistani Christian asylum-seeking family has been arrested in Thailand after Thai immigrat


Christian Families in Mirpur Khas Request BACA’s Help for Clean Drinking Water. A report by Juliet Chowdhry

London: In the small village of Saif Mari, located in Mirpur Khas, Sindh, nearly 20 Christian and Hindu families are struggling with the basic necessity of clean drinking water. These impoverished farm worker families have no access to a hand pump and must rely on water from irrigation ditches lo


Successful Cataract Surgery Restores Vision for Nawab Bibi, Ailing Wife of 11 year Blasphemy prisoner Zafar Bhatti. Report by Hannah Chowdhry

London: On 20th October, doctors successfully performed cataract surgery and fitted new lenses to restore the eyesight of Nawab Bibi (76), wife of Zafar Bhatti (56), Pakistan’s longest-serving blasphemy convict under section 295-C.

Nawab Bibi has become increasingly frail, with ag


RAAC Homeowners Devastated by Aberdeen Principal Valuer’s Decision to Reject Council Tax Appeal. A Report by Juliet Chowdhry

Aberdeen: Homeowners impacted by Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) have expressed deep distress after Bruce Simpson, Principal Valuer for Aberdeen, dismissed their appeal to reduce Council Tax. Despite the dangerous state of RAAC-affected homes, the decision maintains that the homes a


Wilson Chowdhry, Chairman of UK RAAC Campaign Group, Lays Out Key Demands from Displaced Homeowners to Kevin Wells, Clackmannanshire's Strategic Director: Place

London: On a recent MS Teams meeting, Kevin Wells (KW), representing Clackmannanshire Council, met with Wilson Chowdhry (WC) and affected residents to discuss RAAC-related concerns. The meeting addressed key issues impacting displaced homeowners, including potential property valuations, housing a


Dundee Residents Voice Concerns Over RAAC Roof Panels Amid Mortgage Crisis. A report by Wilson Chowdhry

Dundee, Scotland: Residents of a block of flats in Dundee are raising urgent concerns following the discovery of Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) panels in their roofs, prompting a mortgage crisis that is leaving them with potentially unsellable properties.

In May, Dundee C


British Asian Christian Association Urgently Seeks Support as London Homelessness Reaches Crisis Levels. Report by Hannah Chowdhry

London: The British Asian Christian Association (BACA) has seen a near doubling in demand for its homeless services in Ilford, particularly from families with children.

London’s homelessness crisis has reached record levels, with over 183,000 people in temporary accommodation, inc

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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com