
Christian League of Pakistan in America PA, to hold Oath Ceremony on July 8. Anjum Bhatti

according to a press statement issued here today.
Mr. Anjum Bhatti, President of newly elected executive body of CLPA said "We are working for the promotion of Human and Minority Rights in Pakistan through peace dialogue for the reconciliation"
Mr. Anjum added, "The League also works for the reha


My Canada by Dr. Stephen Gill


My Canada

in thy lap

lie all nations

humans and beasts

melt into one shape

under thy care

my Canada.

Thy land and life

and springs

thy summer and fall

and skies

thy joyful birds--

delight-giving sights--

breathe a new life in me

my Canada.


CLAAS-UK writes to the Prime Minister of New Zealand

rights violation and growing situation against Christians in Pakistan with Prime Minister of New Zealand, Mrs. Helen Clark requesting her to raise specific issue regarding Pakistani Christian's persecution with General Pervez Musharraf, president of Pakistan, during his visit to New Zealand.



of Brenton Carey Hostel after an inquiry report found that she was manhandled.

The inquiry report had recommended registration of criminal case against those responsible. In pursuance to the recommendations, the Frere Police registered an FIR against unknown people for maltreating the administra


Wrath against defenseless Ahmadiyya community in Bangladesh.

and torching it in the small hours of Thursday night at Kandipara in Brahmanbaria town. The community people themselves put out the blaze before the police and the firefighters arrived on the scene.
Almost simultaneously, at least two dozen homemade bombs were burst at Bhadughar within Brahmanbaria


First Christian candidate for Pakistan’s presidential election 2007 comments on ghazala shafique’s issue

Karachi. June 25, 2005. The Rt. Rev. Timotheus Nasir (Archbishop of Siloam Biblical Churches in Pakistan) the prospective candidate in the upcoming election for the office of the President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan to be held in the year 2007 has published an Enquiry Report regarding the Brent


PAC, a Pakistani Muslim American lobbyist group vows to work with US government to liberate Kashmir from India

PAC Vice President Dr. Khawaja M. Ashraf, PAC Vice President Mr. Shahid Ahmed Khan and the new PAC Executive Board should strongly urge all U.S. Representatives - who will participate in the PAC 13th annual Pakistani American Friendship Summit at the Capitol Hill in Washington DC on 23, 24, 25 June


Geet and Ghazal evening with Kanwal Feroze in Phoenix.

Honorable Dr. Kanwal Feroze PhD. is an eminent poet of Urdu /Punjabi languages. He is a reputed senior journalist and chief editor monthly "Shadaab" Lahore. His
Collection of poetry books; "Shehre-e-Salib-O-Gul", "Shakh-e-Shub-e-Wesaal" and "Shaam-e-Firaat-e-Dil" have received huge public apprecia


In eyes of Islamic Justice all are equal irrespective of religion, colour and creed. Dr. Israr Ahmed.

and nominated candidate for Nobel Peace Prize Mr. J.Salik, Dr. Israr Ahmed, President Anjuman Khuddam-ul-Quran, Founder Tanzeem-i-Islami on Wednesday the June 15, 2005 addressed a public meeting at 5.00 pm at J.Salik's residence House No. 11 Street No. 45, F-7/1 Islamabad.
The children of the katch


It has never been my policy to train militants: Sheikh Rashid

, on Tuesday said that it had never been his policy to train militants. "It has never been my policy to train militants. I am a politician who strongly supported the peace process between India and Paksitan," he said when his comments were sought regarding a statement issued by the Official


Christian employees dress in CDA Islamabad is symbol of hatred and disease. J. Salik

in Pakistan is the Burning Issue of the day. Although the importance of the matter requires a lot of thinking and discussion in many ways, but today I will talk to you with special reference to the sanitary workers engaged after privatization of sanitary work places in G-6, G-8, G-9, G-10 and I-10 s


Minorities ignored in annual budget. Salik

what he said, ignoring the minorities in the Federal budget 2005-06.
Speaking at a press conference at the Rawalpindi Press Club camp office, Mr. Salik said besides the minorities, the poor had also been neglected in the new budget. This is yet another anti- poor budget seeking to advance only the


Dr. Stephen Gill, Messenger of peace, Poet Laureate and writer who viewed reformation in UNO for world peace from decade

Problems of pollution
ecology and disease
unlikely to be solved
by a nation
you handle.
A controller
of the weeds of war
you trim the ugly wings
of bigotry and greed
under your dome.
Evil and deceit
the abortive assassins of reforms
plague your planet
like dogs der


Muslim Protestors burn Cross on Streets of London. Barnabas Fund Report

The crowd, led by Omar Bakri Muhammad and Yassar al-Siri, were protesting against the alleged desecration of a Qur'an by American military interrogators at Guantanamo Bay. This followed claims by Newsweek magazine that a copy of the Qur'an had been put down a toilet. American and British flags were


FIACONA urges the Government of India to intervene in the continuing attacks on Christians and Christian institutions

In an urgent plea to the Government of India the Federation of Indian American Christian Organizations of North America (FIACONA) has highlighted the continuing instances of attacks on Christians in India by extreme factions of Indian society. The Federation, whose mission includes raising awareness

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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com