Mr Mustafa Bali is the official Spokesperson of SDF and Director at Media Centre of Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). SDF is second biggest territory ho
Rev. Fr. Francis Tanveer reveals facts of Liberation Theology and inadequate administrative measures of Catholic Church in Pakistan. Interview by PCP team. New York.
Prominent religions leaders, poet and writer Rev. Fr. Francis Tanveer was born on Jan 10,1959 in Gujarat, a City, on famous Mughal era route, Grand Trunk through Punjab Province. He was student of St. Joseph School Gujarnwala and graduated from Govt.
PCP: The Catholic Church is divided on the Liberation theology. What are the reasons of these differences in clergy of Pakistan?
Fr. Tanveer: The liberation theology came in discussions of the seminary students of Pakistan when some of the local priests, I mean the Punjabi speaking priests, attended some international seminars and meetings in 1980,s on this theology. The Vatican was also not clear on this issue, because in Latin America, the catholic priests were directly involved in militant movements against governments and in some countries the priests were leading militant groups with the church funds. Catholic church of Pakistan was very much interested in social, religious and political uplift of the Christians of Pakistan but the majority of the seminary students and clergy opposed the liberation theology in terms of militancy.
PCP: It is taken among Christian community that Bishop John Joseph was impressed by liberation theology and he funded the organizations in Pakistan to promote this theology?
Fr. Tanveer: Yes, he pleaded liberation theology but he believed in peaceful struggle for
the rights of Christians.
PCP: Do Catholic teachings announce Suicide a sin? What you shall consider the act of Suicide of Bishop John Joseph?
Fr. Tanveer: Catholic teachings are very clear on Suicide action of any individual and saying it a Sin. As for as the committing suicide of Bishop John Joseph shall be counted on the special circumstances of prevailing blasphemy laws in Pakistan. He was advocating against this law by his press conferences and hunger strikes. He was worried on the arrests of Christians under section 295 B and C of blasphemy laws. He was in Sahiwal in the same evening to address protest gathering against bail plea denial of one the victims of Blasphemy laws and much depressed on this situation. His suicide was a sacrifice against this law and Christians are deeming fit to announce it a heroic action.
PCP: Catholic Church owns many Schools in Pakistan. Why they have not established any Engineering or Medical Colleges or University?
Fr. Tanveer: Yes, every one in Pakistan always feels the need of professional colleges or University. The missionaries before partition of India have established all the present schools. If the Catholic Church have established any University in that period in Indian subcontinent like Sir Syed's 'Ali Garh 'University for Muslim youths higher studies. The situation of Christian youth might have been different now, but unfortunately the administration of Catholic Church failed to pay any attention on this issue after the independence of Pakistan.
PCP: Why the Catholic Clergy demands for the joint Electorate for minorities?
Fr. Tanveer: Because the joint Electorate provide them with the equal rights in society and separate Electorate makes them second-class citizens. If there was joint Electorate the Blasphemy laws have been not used against Christians and Muslims representation have taken care of minority. Voters in their constituencies like the Muslim Voters.
PCP: You want to give any message to the Christian of Pakistan?
Fr. Tanveer: Yes I appeal them to make their family prayers and take more interest in Education because Education and better Education can enable them to compete on merit in Muslim Society of Pakistan in all walks of life.
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On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.