Mr Mustafa Bali is the official Spokesperson of SDF and Director at Media Centre of Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). SDF is second biggest territory ho
Establishment of Christian university is need of time. Peter Gill, director OM Pakistan.<br>Interview by PCP team.
Mr. Peter Gill was in New York, on leg of visit to US and Canada, on invitation of OM Canada to participate in meeting. He represented OM Pakistan in an International sports link OM meeting in spring Colorado, US. PCP team met Mr. Peter Gill in NY an
During his services as national Director OM Pakistan, Mr. Peter Gill is leading OM, Pakistan to achieve its goal,
1. To reach the lost will Gospel.
2. To motivate the Church for evangelization
3. To train disciples to follow Christ.
4. To equip workers for effective Church Service and mission.
For our readers we wish to bring in their notice that there are thousands of such foreign funded organization working independently and under administration of different Churches in Pakistan with well-furnished offices and buildings through out Pakistan. The co-coordinators, Directors and Chairpersons of such NGO mostly the children and relatives if the clergy, riding trough the Christians slum areas on luxurious vehicles and fine stitched suits, to be Identified, the representative of any other class, than these poor Christians of Pakistan, misusing the funds begged on names of uplift of poor community. Still that representation claim to the working on gross rat level of masses but their actions can be clearly viewed only in their filing data to satisfy their funding masters. There is no sign of social changes, in the general Christians life nor is any visible sign of uplift by the well-documented programmers of such groups in Pakistan.
Mr. Peter Gill distinguished himself from other drawing room class of NGO leadership and came in limelight of national scenario in 1999, when he organized the peace train march from Peshawar to Karachi. His acts proved that he is very truly sincere with his plans to established contacts with the masses in Pakistan and have positive programmed for the Christian in Pakistan.
In such circumstances PCP wish to promote his noble cause and pay its share and contribution to convey his message to the Christians and general people of Pakistan
PCP. We welcome you in NY. Before we start our conversation, would you tell our readers about your Peace Train March in 1999?
Peter Gill. The idea of peace Train March was in my thoughts from my childhood when my father used to march on Camels in city of Gujarat where he was pastor in charge to promote love and harmony among different religious communities. I experienced that Camel Marches organized my father Rev. George Fateh Deen always left very positive effects about Christianity among the Muslims of the city area when they asked questions about Christianity during this march and it seemed very effective mean to convey the message of Lord to other religious communities. In this modern society I rinsed the Peace Train March instead of Camel March to put the message of love before the Muslim majority of Pakistan.
PCP. Why you termed is Peace Train March?
Mr. Gill. There have been trend of Long Marches to put pressures on government in Pakistan, some of such marches were conducted by the train traveling, it made easy to mobilize people in short time through out Pakistan. That's the reason that OM Pakistan decided to go on train march.
PCP. How the OM Pakistan selected such expensive Train March in Pakistan?
Mr. Gill. It was not so expensive as propagated by Muslim press because the five cars train was on concession rates on our request to the Pakistan railway. Moreover different churches and organizations duly contributed it when OM Pakistan believed in joint struggle in Pakistan.
PCP. How you shall count the achievements by this Peace Train March?
Mr. Gill. Train march was very successful event of OM. It was great opportunity of inter denominational coordination. The distribution of Jesus video ' prince of peace ' was distributed in this five-day march among Muslims. This was such an amazing evangelical march too that Muslim religious leaders became so afraid of this preaching video that they protested to stop this march to the government but we are thankful to the government of Pakistan to provide the protection to the marching Christians.
PCP. Why the churches and NGO become more active during the military governments when general Christians favor the elected democratic governments? For instance the train March was in the military government of General Mushraf who took over from elected government of Nawaz Sharif.
Mr. Gill. Church feels more protected in military governments. For example, if the war against terrorism in Afghanistan has been started in Nawaz sharif government the attacks on churches and killings have been more than recent attacks of Bahawalpur and Islamabad churches. More over the train March decision was not the solo flight of OM but it was joint venture of United Christian Peace Committee and services of Robinson Asghar Lamp fellowship and other churches were to make it success.
PCP. Why the churches involve directly in politics? Is it true that involvement of churches have brought Muslim religious parties against general Christians?
Mr. Gill. No it's not true that Christian's victimization is due to church involvements in politics in Pakistan. The clergy follows the liberation theology which permits them to take charge of control whenever and wherever they think deem fit for the betterment of their congregations. The reason behind this is that, laymen leadership is uneducated and not able to lead the Christians.
PCP. Bishops conference of Pakistan welcomed the implementation of Shariat Laws, including blasphemy laws and others in jurist conference at Lahore in which Nawaz Sharif was chief guest as premier. Later on the churches in international media protested against these laws when general Christians were victimized, what do you think that church leadership was not aware of the situation at that time or they fail to under stand the nature of laws at that conference?
Mr. Gill. They were misled by the government and taken in confidence that Islamic laws shall not affect Christians.
PCP. Bishop Conference welcomed the military cop of Mushraf. Have the General again taken them in confidence that he shall introduced amendments in blasphemy laws?
Mr. Gill. Yes the situation was the same but now the Mushraf have denied any changes in the articles pertaining Islamic laws. I think the churches are not suppose to involve in such practices which may damage their image among Christians because the governments do not fulfill the promises made to church leaders.
PCP. Is Pakistani church performing its spiritual obligations to ward congregations. When conversion rates to Islam is increased comparing to previous years?
Mr. Gill. Yes churches are fully working in evangelical and preaching fields in Pakistan and taking care of their congregations.
PCP. Are you satisfied with the social uplift programmed of churches in Pakistan?
Mr. Gill. I am not fully satisfied by the present programmers in different fields, such as, in education, we have schools but we have not any Christian's university and professional colleges in Pakistan. This is period of merit to compete in practical life. We have witnessed that Christian's students have not equal opportunities of admissions in higher studies institutions and if we have our own institutes, our Christians can educate there and compete the majority youth.
PCP. What the OM Pakistan have initiatives for Christian youth in?
Mr. Gill. We are training them in bible studies; we have visions programmed in sports to prevent from drug addictions and other abusive atmosphere. We wish to provide them professional institutes but our major goal is to make them good and true Christians in Islamic society of Pakistan.
PCP. Thank you Mr. Gill for your time and we wish you success in future.
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On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.