Dear Sir / Madam
Wish you Very Happy & Merry Christmas !
Islam has no future if continues to fail in getti
Dear Editor Sub:- Being Bengali CM Mamata Banerjee seems to be protecting Prez Pranab Mukherjee, another Bengali. ---- On December 3, 2016 a person reportedly died of stroke in a long Q at Hooghly, West Bengal while trying to get permissible cash (merely Rs 2,500 or ~ $ 37) from the bank / ATM which has been denied to him due to illegal and draconian demonetization going-on in India. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has customarily paid condolence to the victim and his family and asked from PM Modi that “How many more Modi Babu”. But her credentials about her love, care and respect for the people of West Bengal are on test. With piecemeal and half-hearted approach CM Mamata Banerjee will not be able to get succor & justice to the people of West Bengal / India in the matter of illegal & draconian demonetization (where on one side black money holders are replacing practically all of their black money in old currency with new currency through various means including with the complicity of Bank staff and on other side 99 % of ~ 1.3 Billion innocent and ordinary Indians are suffering excruciatingly in Q etc and even dying in Q and even one lady delivered a baby in Q), unless she gets remedies as mentioned below (which was sent in a letter to CM Mamata and her Cabinet etc on November, 29:- OR OR Hence if CM Mamata Banerjee is really serious about roll-back of demonetization and wants West Bengal not harassed any more by Union Government then she should:- (i)- Get raised (through AITMC MPs) the Point-of-order in Parliament about Article 21, 300 A and 78 of the Constitution and Section 26 (2) of RBI Act and Section 304 A of IPC. (ii)- File writ petition in Kolkata High Court under Article 226 of the Constitution (which has wide jurisdiction than Article 32 meant for Supreme Court) read with Article 21, 300 A and 78 of the Constitution and Section 26 (2) of RBI Act and Section 304 A of IPC. When CM Mamata ensure these two remedies (in Parliament and in High Court) then only it will be a fitting tribute to the victim who died in the Q (because he was denied his own money through illegal and draconian demonetization) Regards Hem Raj Jain (Author of ‘Betrayal of Americanism’) Bengaluru, India
Dear Sir / Madam
Wish you Very Happy & Merry Christmas !
Islam has no future if continues to fail in getti
M riodore regret and disappoint more then 1 years gone but our area SOLDIER BAZAR road in worst condition. Even registered complai
Dear Editor
Sub: - Suggestion for fighting Coronavirus epidemic more effectively
It seems the death-toll in the USA due t
On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.