Dear Sir / Madam
Wish you Very Happy & Merry Christmas !
Islam has no future if continues to fail in getti
Dear Editor Sub:- Solution to Kashmir problem will be litmus test for Sri Sri Ravi Shankar brand of spirituality. The spiritual guide of PM Modi Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (SSRS) who also conducted international ‘Art of living’ grand program in 2016 at the bank of river Yamuna in India’s capital Delhi with the support of Government of India (GOI) including of its military for making temporary bridges for crossing the river by devotees] has wrote an article published in prominent and leading English Newspaper ‘The Times of India’ on December, 31 titled ‘Do swim with appearances, but take care not to be taken in by them’ In this article about demonetization SSRS said –“Demonetization has caused some discomfort to people in the short term but will benefit the nation eventually. Though substantially inconvenienced themselves, most Indians wholeheartedly supported the measure. The collective willingness to go through austerity for long-term greater good is a rare quality, not found in most societies in the world today. It is the spiritual temperament prevailing in India that makes it strong enough to withstand challenges that would cause chaos elsewhere”. If as per SSRS this is spirituality, India will be better without it as explained below:- (1)- What is so spiritual about 99 % of ~ 1.3 billion innocent Indians cowardly tolerating harassment and torture and helplessly watching their children starving, women delivering a baby in the ‘Q’ of Bank / ATM, senior citizens dying, (as they could not be provide food and medicine) millions losing job & business and all these for the want of cash though these Indians had money which was denied to them through illegal and criminal demonetization. (2)- What is so spiritual about 99 % of ~ 1.3 billion innocent Indians unable to protect themselves against oppression of illegal and draconian demonetization [despite Article 21, 14, 19 (1) (g), 300 A, 78, 56 (1) (b), 124 (4) of the Constitution, Section 26 (2) of the RBI Act, section 304 A, 34, 120 B of IPC and section 12 (b) of the Protection of Human Rights Act] and every State authority (President, Parliament, Supreme Court, RBI, NHRC) could fail India (3)- What is so spiritual about Indians getting carried away by false propaganda of GOI that this demonetization is about eliminating black-money & recovering Income Tax when Indians know that GOI did not recover Rs ~ 1,000 Trillion Income Tax from the income which people illegally declared as agriculture income as mentioned at (4)- What is so spiritual about Indians getting carried away by false propaganda of GOI that this demonetization is also about cashless (less-cash) economy whereas Indians know that less-cash economy could have been achieved painlessly (without illegal & draconian demonetization) by merely making transactions of goods & services provided by Union Government, all the State Governments and Local bodies (like diesel, petrol, govt. fertilizers, govt. pesticides, electricity, water, Railways, State transport Services etc) cashless in first stage. This would have addressed the problem of connectivity etc needed for electronic transfer and then in second stage cashless transaction could have been extended to other fields also. In said article SSRS also said – “The world is looking for new ways to solve problems and spirituality can provide these solutions. That peace can be a real and effective tool in resolving even long-standing conflicts. In India too, a sustained effort is needed in creating an atmosphere conducive to meaningful dialogue involving all stakeholders in Kashmir to find concrete long-term solutions”. It is not expected from a venerated celebrity like SSRS to talk so casually about chronic and gory Kashmir problem (which has claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people). SSRS has already met with the father of Hizbul Commander Burhan Wani at his Bengaluru Ashram and has even gone to Kashmir during 5 months shutdown of Kashmir where SSRS has met many Kashmiri leaders from various fields. Therefore if SSRS really believes that his brand of spirituality (which calls the cowardice and immoral submission of Indians to illegal and draconian demonetization as spirituality) can solve Kashmir problem then SSRS should behave responsibly and should tell the Kashmiris that in how much time bound period Kashmir problem will be solved and for this what will have to be done by Kashmiris. With best wishes for happy New Year Hem Raj Jain (Author of ‘Betrayal of Americanism’} Bengaluru, India
Dear Sir / Madam
Wish you Very Happy & Merry Christmas !
Islam has no future if continues to fail in getti
M riodore regret and disappoint more then 1 years gone but our area SOLDIER BAZAR road in worst condition. Even registered complai
Dear Editor
Sub: - Suggestion for fighting Coronavirus epidemic more effectively
It seems the death-toll in the USA due t
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