Dear Sir / Madam
Wish you Very Happy & Merry Christmas !
Islam has no future if continues to fail in getti
Many families take advantage of school report cards to talk with their children about school. Even if the report card is itself important, it should not be the sole standard to evaluate a child’s academic performance, since every child is different and so are his or her circumstances. A child’s academic performance is satisfactory when it conforms to his or her intellectual capacity and realized effort. Performance is sufficient when a student’s grade level is “passed” or “progresses adequately”. Two paradoxical situations may occur. The first one would be that the student passes with a sufficient grade point average, but his or her performance is clearly unsatisfactory because the student could have gotten a better grade as a result of improving his or her learning capacity according to what was expected. This is the case of gifted students that with explanations and little effort obtain a passing grade. It also depends, however, how demanding the teacher is and if he or she is satisfied with the minimum obtained basic knowledge. The second situation would be if the student makes a big effort and dedicates many hours to studying but does not achieve a sufficient grade. This depends on whether the student’s studying methods are efficient (or not), whether the student lacks the minimum basic knowledge of a certain subject in order to progress, or whether the teacher is too demanding. Nevertheless, parents should not value in themselves the grades their children obtain in school because they could be making three mistakes. The first one is to demand their child less than what he or she is capable of giving, thus fomenting commodity and conformism. By not acquiring the habit of studying, the student s propelled to fail in the future even if now he or she is passing by a margin. The second one would be to demand the student more than what he or she is capable of giving. Expecting a high performance from an average student that tries hard to progress could stir a state of anguish and anxiety within the student that could lead to desperation and the explicit refusal to study. The last mistake would be to demand all children the same expectations, when in reality each one of them is different. Comparisons between siblings or classmates always produce negative consequences and can lead to jealousy or envy. Rather than assessing the report card itself, one must consider whether the academic performance that each student achieves is satisfactory with his or her capacity, and most of all, if the student has given his or her maximum effort and dedication to the daily labor of studying (Translated by Gianna A. Sanchez Moretti). Arturo Ramo Independent Forum of Opinion (Spain)
Dear Sir / Madam
Wish you Very Happy & Merry Christmas !
Islam has no future if continues to fail in getti
M riodore regret and disappoint more then 1 years gone but our area SOLDIER BAZAR road in worst condition. Even registered complai
Dear Editor
Sub: - Suggestion for fighting Coronavirus epidemic more effectively
It seems the death-toll in the USA due t
On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.