Vatican City: (By Kristina Millare for CAN) Five Italians have been chosen by Pope Francis to become cardinals at the Dec. 7 consistory, four of wh
Now a blasphemy case against Christian doctor after murder of Hindu worker on defiling Prophet (PBUH) in government of newly elected coalition of PPP and Nawaz faction of PML
Lahore: May 7, 2008. (PCP report) A Muslim said to Christian doctor “ its un-Islamic to shake hand with Christian infidel”
when he shakes hand with other Muslims in his clinic which ends in arguments or “dialogues” as termed by western theologians.
The arguments or dialogues are felt an insult by Muslim adult and but he puts his vending stall in front of clinic of Christian doctor after few weeks. He plans to teach lesson to Christian doctor and accuses him of defiling holy name of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
It is incident of May 02, 2008, of Chack Chatta Hafizabad, Punjab province of Pakistan. The name of Christian doctor is Robin who is 55 years old while name of Muslim is Mohammad Rafique.
The province of Punjab, the largest populated unit in Pakistan is under administration of Pakistan Muslim League PML (N), which is headed by Mian Nawaz Sharif, who is ex-prime minister of Pakistan and legislated capital punishment under blasphemy laws in his tenure.
The cases against Christians under blasphemy laws in Pakistan are 90% registered in Punjab province after 1985, when Zia-ul-Haq introduced Sharia laws.
Nawaz Sharif, a business tycoon from Punjab was supported by military ruler Zial-ul-Haq in politics and became Chief Minister of Punjab. In recent elections of Pakistan, PML (N) won majority in Punjab province and selected Christians in provincial assembly on reserved seats.
It was feared by common Christians in Pakistan that persecution of Christians shall increase after elections of 2008. The first incident occurred in Sindh province where PPP won majority when a Hindu factory worker Jagdish was attacked by Muslim co-workers in Karachi and murdered on accusation of blasphemy. Now, a Christian doctor is second victim but was saved by police when 2000 Muslim protestors were marching toward his home to kill him and his family in Hafizabad, Punjab.
According to the fact findings of SLMP, a civil society organization based in Lahore, adds: The incident took place when some of the Muslim friends of Robin Sardar Basheer Jolaha and Muhammad Zamaan came to meet him at his private clinic. They shake hand with Dr. Robin. Meanwhile another Muslim Muhammad Rafique the complainant came in and shake hand with two Muslim friends of Dr. Robin but he ignored Robin. Upon that, Dr. Robin asked that man “it is quite ill-mannered that you came in my clinic and shake hands with other friends but neglected me because I am a Christian.” But the man replied “It’s my insult to shake hand with a Christian”. It was six months ago and the matter was solved by Robin’s Muslim friends at that very day.
After some time of this incident, Muhammad Rafique tried to bring up his stall in front of the Clinic of Dr. Robin. Upon that Robin stopped him to do that. But he became angry and threatened Dr. Robin “I will see you, how you dare to stop me bloody Christian.”
To take revenge to Dr. Robin, on 02-05-08 Muhammad Rafique filed a false case against the humiliation of the beard of Prophet Muhammad. Police register case against Dr. Robin vide FIR No. 149/08, offence under section 295/C in police station Hafizabad.
Fanatic Muslims announced in the loud speakers of the mosques that a Christian humiliated our Holy Prophet and the Muslim community should come out to kill the ‘KAFER’.
The Situation become quite critical when a mob of around 2000 angry Muslim marched towards the house of Dr. Robin to kill him along with his family. A radical Muslim named Muhammad Asmat s/o Gulzar was leading the Procession along with Imran s/o Rasheed and Yousaf s/o Muhammad Mancha. The angry mob surrounded Robin’s house. They were armed with weapons. At that very moment two Police sent two officers to save Robin and his family. They were residing at the upper portion of the house. Both police officers brought up a wooden stair in order to bring down the family members from the back side of the house. They saved Dr. Robin and his family from the angry mob and took them to a save place. Later Dr. Robin was handed over to the police because of the immense pressure of radical Muslims. One of the police man stated to SLMP “It was our responsibility to save a virtuous man and his family. We really stopped the procession; otherwise it could be very dangerous if we could not be there at that moment.”
SLMP pursed the case and reached Police Station Chack Chatha Hafizabad today at around 3:00 pm and talked regarding the case of Dr. Robin. S.H.O Rana Muhammad Abaas stated to SLMP “We have been investigating the case and trying to find the facts out.”
SLMP met with the investigation officer named Sub Inspector Nazir Hamad at his office. Chief coordinator asked to the in charge officer that we want to meet with the complainant of this blasphemy case. Officer replied “Yes you can meet them” they are residing in Husain Nager. Chief Coordinator of SLMP then asked about the security of the rest of the family, but officer couldn’t satisfy SLMP.
Presently innocent Dr. Robin has been sent to the Central Jail Gujranwala. Chief coordinator Sohail Johnson instructed the associate Pastor of Gujranwala to visit the Jail and provide immediate help to Dr. Robin. Rest of the family has become homeless and hides in relatives’ house at unknown place. But there is no any security of the family from Muslim fundamental group. SLMP intend to go tomorrow morning 7 MAY 2008 in order to meet and solace the family of Dr. Robin.
SLMP prays for Dr. Robin and rest of the family that may God protect them from any danger and keep them save under His Holy hand and requests to all of you to keep the dispiriting family in your prayers, says Sohail Johnson, Chief Coordinator, Sharing Life Ministry Pakistan
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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti
On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.