“Long live blessed land of Israel” message of GPFP on 60th Independence Day of Israel


Karachi: 13th May 2008. Ashraf P Butt, Secretary General of God’s People Fellowship of Pakistan GPFP, extended his prayers for blessed land of Israel, here in a press conference to mark celebrations of 60th Independence Day of Jewish state in Promise

GPFP is struggling in Islamic Republic of Pakistan to establish diplomatic relations with Israel and endorsement of Israel in passport to enable millions of Pakistani Christian to visit Holy Land of Israel to perform religious rituals. Ashraf P Butt, who is a leading attorney, filed a petition in Sindh High Court for directives to government of Pakistan for special permission for Christian visitation permission to Israel but it was dismissed in 2007. It is to put yourself in very difficult situation and endanger your life to raise voice in favour of Israel in Pakistan but members of GPFP and its leadership is pressing for their demands from a decade without any fear. On occasion of 60th Independence Day of the state of Israel Celebrations, GPFP held prayers and organized press conference in Pakistan. Mr. Butt further said that their organization once again demanded and urged upon the newly elected Government of Pakistan that they shall have to recognize the state of Israel and normalize the diplomatic relation with the state of Israel. Mr. Butt further added in his press conference that the newly settled foreign policy of Pakistan should be in favour and largest religious interest of millions of Christians of Pakistan and they may be allowed to visit the Holy Bible Land of Israel on Pakistani passports. as they have longstanding dream to pilgrimage visit to the such holy places in Israel.

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On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

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