On WYD celebrations in Pakistan GPFP marks it with prayers for peace and protection of Holy City of Jerusalem. Shahbaz Ashraf


Karachi: July 23, 2008. On the occasion of world youth day 2008, a big rally which was organized by catholic youth commission in St. Patrick’s High School Karachi.

The G.P.F.P youth team participates in this rally with religious zeal and enthusiasm and at this occasion. The youth team of GPFP offered their prayers for the peace and protection of the holy city of Jerusalem. They also demanded to the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for the recognized of the state of Israel, said Shahbaz Ashraf, Dy. Sec. of GPFP The activist of G.P.F.P were chanting slogans in favor of Israel shouting – long live Israel, and holding banner/ play card in their hands where it was mentioned that the 10 million Christians of Pakistan may be allowed to the visit the holy bible land of Israel and holy city of the king David Jerusalem on Pakistani passports. The Secretary General of G.P.F.P Mr. Asharf P. Butt Advocate a- pro- Israeli religious organization leader in Pakistan also appreciate the statement and efforts by abdul Rahman Al- Zaid Deputy Secretary General of Mecca Muslim world league which organized the said conference from initiative by Saudi King Abdullah, the Secretary General of the world Jewish Congress, Michael Schneider and Cardinal Jean- Louis Tauran in Madrid following the inter – faith conference dialogue between Muslim, Christian and Jewish leadership.

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On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

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