Punjabi Christian reject Goaen Bishops in Pakistan. Nazir Bhatti


Philadelphia: February 3, 2009. Dr. Nazir S Bhatti, Chief of Pakistan Christian Congress PCC, appealed to pope Benedict to take notice of Catholic Church in Pakistan where there’s no Punjabi bishop while 99.9% catholic’s are Punjabi speaking congre

There are Punjabi reverend fathers in majority but still Goen are ruling Catholic Christians which is unjust and unfair. The Bishops Conference of Pakistan, comprising of these Goaen tiny community declared killing of Bishop John Joseph, a Punjabi bishop to be suicide on intimation of establishment of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Bishop John Joseph was great human right activist and Punjabi bishop not liked by these Goaen bishops who termed his martyrdom as suicide. Nazir Bhatti said “these Goen bishops availed an opportunity of immigration of Christians to Canada and Australia in 1965,s but they filled applications of their Goaen brothers and sisters who are enjoying life there but not recommended any Punjabi Christians” “All Goen Catholic community moved to Canada and Australia and Karachi city which was total base of Goaen became vacant in 1970 but still Goen are our bishops which cause concerns” added Nazir Bhatti PCC salutes Khadim Wilson Khadim who lunched movement against Goaen bishops and forced Vatican to appoint first Punjabi Bishop John Joseph. Nazir S Bhatti said that PCC will file memorandum with Holy Pope to appoint Punjabi bishops in Pakistan instead of Goaen bishops who are tools of ISI in Pakistan and working against will of Catholic Christians, The Goaen Bishop Conference of Pakistan favored Joint election system instead of separate election and funded millions to be VVIP to support their tools like Shahbaz Bhatti, Cecil Choudry and Mehboob Sada to propagate against separate electorate. Nazir Bhatti said, “we Punjabi Christian want Punjabi bishops in Pakistan not Goen bishops who are damaging Punjabi Christians cause” Nazir S Bhatti said that I have appealed for an appointment with Holy Pope and I will surface situation of Catholic Church with his holiness PCC is also looking for an early appointment with UNO Secretary General to submit petition for refugee status to Pakistani Christians.

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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com