PCC to challenge 3% representation proposed bill of Shahbaz Bhatti in High Court. Nazir Bhatti


Islamabad: June 29, 2009. (PCP) The sources in capital of Pakistan have revealed that Shahbaz Bhatti, Federal Minister for Minorities have forwarded a proposed bill to Law Ministry demanding 3% seats in Senate

of Pakistan and National Assembly of Pakistan. This bill will take months or years to reach on floor of house for legislation but common Christian in Pakistan must know that it is an official acknowledgement of government claims that minorities are 3% of total population and Christians are 1.1% . The proposed bill shall enable minorities to secure 3 seats in Senate of Pakistan which shall be divided among Hindus, Christians, Sikhs, Ahmedi, Parsi and other religious communities while 13 seats shall be allocated in National Assembly of Pakistan which shall be also divided under same formula. The seats in Senate and National Assembly according to proposed bill shall be covered under Joint Electorate where Muslim political groups shall select religious communities individuals of their choice. The proposed bill of Shahbaz Bhatti shall increase 3 seats in National Assembly of Pakistan in existing 10 seats which shall not be due increase nor increase according to proportional to population. Moreover, Shahbaz Bhatti have accepted claims of government that Christians are 1.1% of population by this proposed bill which is another stab in back of Christian nation because Christians have always claimed that they are 13% of population and deserve due share in democratic institutions and resources of Pakistan. There were 4 Christian seats in house of 48 in first legislative assembly of Pakistan chaired by founder of Pakistan in 1948. The house was 235 in 1977, when Christian seats were 4, Hindu seats 4, Ahmedi 1 and remaining 1 for other religious minorities with special classification under Joint Electorate. In 1985, same allocation were classified under Joint electorate. Now the house is more than 350 without classification of Minorities seats in which Hindus nomination have increased than Christians. The Pakistan Christian Congress PCC demanded 13% of seats in 1988 national general elections and challenged census conducted by government. The seats of Karachi division were increased from 12 to 20 under Sample Census formula by government but PCC demands to conduct Sample Census of Christian with assistance of PCC volunteers to increase in seats were denied by government. It is amazing to note that seats of Muslims are increased from 48 to 350 but Christian seats have been decreased while Christian selected as Minority Minister is proposing a bill of 3% seats for minorities which is less than even Christian percentage in population. Dr. Nazir S Bhatti, President of Pakistan Christian Congress PCC directed Punjab Council of PCC to file writ petition in Rawalpindi Bench of Punjab High Courts to challenge Joint Electorate and seats allocated under 17th amendment in constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. ‘PCC will block any bill which undermines our population percentage in Pakistan by judicial campaign” said Nazir Bhatti Dr. Nazir Bhatti added “we have many power hungry Christians in our lines who are tools of Muslim political groups and working to dismantle our unity and impose Muslim agenda on us by speaking their master’s voice like this 3% representation proposed bill” “PCC will also challenge Census data declared by authoritiesin 2008, which is less than data made public in 1998. The conspiracy to decrease Christian population is unacceptable” Said Bhatti

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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com