Safety of life and property of Christians in Pakistan doubted after Muslim attack in Bahmani village. Nazir Bhatti


Lahore: July 2, 2009. (PCP report) Dr. Nazir S Bhatti, Chief of Pakistan Christian Congress PCC have strongly condemned an organized attack of Muslims

on more than one hundred Christian families living in village Bahmani in Kasur district of Punjab. “The attack of Muslim mob after announcements from Mosque forced 800 Christian men, women and children to flee from village to safe their lives have created doubts among Christians in Pakistan that weather their life is safe in Muslim dominated Islamic Republic of Pakistan” said Nazir S Bhatti Bhatti added “As Muslim mob ransacked two Churches, damaged more than 100 homes of Christian and looted valuables from houses have raised big question mark on administration’s ability to secure properties of Christians in Pakistan because it is not such kind of first incident’ The Punjab province where Christians are second biggest population have been easy target of Muslims who under accusation of blasphemy have attacked churches, schools and properties. The media reports that Christians men, women and Children ran towards fields to hide for safety of life on attack by armed Muslim mob is an eye opening situation for every Christian in Pakistan and our selected leaders in Punjab government. “PCC demands all selected Christian Members in Punjab Assembly by Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) and Pakistan Peoples Party PPP to resign and join public because PML(N) have no program for Christians while PML(N) manifesto bars non-Muslim to be a member of League” said Nazir Bhatti Nazir S Bhatti urged Chief Minister Punjab to visit Bahmani village and order immediate repairs of homes and Churches with compensation of looted valuables from Christian homes> “ We also demand arrests of Qari Mohammad Latif who announced for attack on Christians and all Muslims who took part in armed attack on Christians life and property” said Nazir Bhatti Nazir Bhatti talked with leaders of Lahore Council of PCC on telephone and asked them to start awareness program among Christian youth to protect themselves from Muslim aggressions in future.

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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book. ,