Christian protest against land sale of Cathedral School Sialkot.


Pakistan; September 10, 2009. (PCP report) Hundreds of Christians joined a protest procession against land sale of Cathedral School Sialkot to one Muslim

The protestors gathered at Cathedral and marched to DCO offices demanding arrests of those involved in sale and removal of locks put by Muslims. The land adjacent to Cathedral School is estimated to 65 Crores which is being sold by one Bishop and one local Christian politician to Muslim builders. The Cathedral School is situated in Christian Town which turned to be fortune reality land after commissioning of Air Port. The wave anger spread among Christians of Sialkot on September 8, 2009, when Muslims broke locks of Christian property and put their locks. The sale of Christian properties in Sialkot is routine act of clergy and their associates who collect huge sums on signing sale deeds with Muslims. The Sialkot city was once known as headquarter of Protestant Christians in Punjab during colonial rule. The missionaries built cathedrals and schools in Sialkot which are being sold part by part by present religious leaders. Ex-Councilor, Naeem Sarddar was leading today’s protest procession. Meanwhile, Christian Organizations across Pakistan have shown their concern over this issue, PCC Coordinator Mr. Xavier William, President Life for All Mr. Rizwan Paul and Mr. Kamran Kashif President of Pakistan Youth Parliament condemned the Cathedral School Land being sold in Sialkot.

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