70 Percent of Humanity Lives in Countries with High Religious Restrictions -- 70 Percent of Those Countries are OIC Nations


Washington DC; December 21, 2009. Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) Communist and OIC nations are majority of those nations denying human religious freedom in the world.

Pew Global Poll: "nearly 70 percent of the world's 6.8 billion people live in countries with high restrictions on religion, the brunt of which often falls on religious minorities." Pew Global Poll Results - Worst Nations for Religious Freedom Pew Poll - Very High Top 5% of scores Saudi Arabia - OIC Nation Iran - OIC Nation Uzbekistan - OIC Nation China - Communist Egypt - OIC Nation Burma (Myanmar) Maldives - OIC Nation Eritrea Malaysia - OIC Nation Brunei - OIC Nation Pew Poll - High Next 15% of scores Indonesia - OIC Nation Mauritania - OIC Nation Pakistan - OIC Nation Turkey - OIC Nation Vietnam - Communist Nation Algeria - OIC Nation Belarus Russia Turkmenistan - OIC Nation Libya - OIC Nation Sudan - OIC Nation Tajikistan - OIC Nation Jordan - OIC Nation Afghanistan - OIC Nation Morocco - OIC Nation Laos - Communist Syria - OIC Nation India Tunisia - OIC Nation Azerbaijan - OIC Nation Kuwait - OIC Nation Kazakhstan - OIC Nation Yemen - OIC Nation Iraq - OIC Nation Western Sahara Bulgaria Singapore Moldova Greece Israel Cuba - Communist Nation Oman - OIC Nation Somalia* - OIC Nation Out of 43 Nations Ranked "Very High" and "High" in Terms of Deny Religious Freedom - 30 were OIC nations -- 70 percent of the Very High and High Nations Ranked is denying religious freedom - being OIC nations Saudi Arabia - OIC Nation Iran - OIC Nation Uzbekistan - OIC Nation Egypt - OIC Nation Maldives - OIC Nation Malaysia - OIC Nation Brunei - OIC Nation Indonesia - OIC Nation Mauritania - OIC Nation Pakistan - OIC Nation Turkey - OIC Nation Algeria - OIC Nation Turkmenistan - OIC Nation Libya - OIC Nation Sudan - OIC Nation Tajikistan - OIC Nation Jordan - OIC Nation Afghanistan - OIC Nation Morocco - OIC Nation Laos - Communist Syria - OIC Nation Tunisia - OIC Nation Azerbaijan - OIC Nation Kuwait - OIC Nation Kazakhstan - OIC Nation Yemen - OIC Nation Iraq - OIC Nation Oman - OIC Nation Somalia* - OIC Nation

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On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

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