Christian demand formation of Separate Christian Province in Pakistan


Karachi: September 20, 2014. (PCP) Dr. Nazir S Bhatti, President of Pakistan Christian Congress PCC has demanded formation of Separate Christian Province as administrative unit on division of Punjab.

Muslim political parties are demanding formation of 20 to 37 provinces as administrative units in Pakistan instead of four provinces Punjab, Sindh, KPK and Balochistan. Pakistan Christian Congress PCC demanded formation of Separate Christian Province in 1992, in a press conference in Hotel Jabees, Karachi. Dr. Nazir Bhatti said “Pakistan was not formed for Muslims only but Christian played positive role in Pakistan Movement and Punjab province fell in lot of Pakistan on vote of Christians leaders of All India Christian Association before Boundary Commission during colonial rule of sub-continent of India because Sikhs and Hindus population were in majority and Muslim in minority in Punjab. “Christians not even made Punjab as part of Pakistan but made possible formation of Pakistan in 1947, with their votes in favor of Pakistan in Round Table Conferences from 1930-32 in London” added Nazir Bhatti Nazir Bhatti said that formation of Pakistan was on ideology of religion but after independence of Pakistan, the feudal lords and elite Muslim class, declared five provinces on ethnic ground like Punjab, North West Frontier Province, Sindh, Balochistan and East Pakistan to prolong their rule on poor Muslims and Christians. “When Muslim political parties are demanding division of Pakistan in 20-37 provinces instead of 4 provinces and neglecting demand of Pakistani Christian for formation of Separate Christian Province is very unfortunate” added Nazir Bhatti PCC Chief said that Muslims are enjoying resources of federation of Pakistan while Christians are treated as 2nd class citizen and deprived of their basic democratic rights in Pakistan The Christians are facing hate on religion from Muslim majority and legislation against them has snatched their rights. A Christian wearing a Cross in neck cannot eat in any restaurant or road side vendor being a Christian nor can he share in catering industry because Muslim hate to eat meals prepared by Christian and not allow them to eat in same utensils in which Muslim dine. The parliament of Pakistan has never attempted to legislate against curse of hate in society. The Christian youth are denied due quota in government jobs and admissions in professional and higher study institutions which has created unemployment and poverty among Christians. To end voice of Pakistani Christians, the Muslim political leaders have snatch their right to elect their parliamentarians with their votes on reserved seats and are selecting Christian individuals of their choice violating Article 226 of constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan which prohibits any selection in parliament of Pakistan. The blasphemy laws and Electoral Laws are constituted to target Christians and other religious minorities and higher courts are denying justice to victims. “It is unfortunate that Muslim leaders are not including formation of Separate Christian Province in their demand of formation of new provinces” said Nazir Bhatti Dr. Nazir Bhatti warned Muslim political parties that do not ignore demand of Separate Christian Province on division of Punjab where they are second in population after Muslim in their demand of formation of 20-37 provinces unless we will be forced to demand to open borders for Christians that they may leave Pakistan because they cannot live under oppression of Muslims as 2nd class citizens and slaves.

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