Minorities enjoy equal rights in Pakistan: Musharraf.


ISLAMABAD, March 09 (NNI): President General Pervez Musharraf has said that being an Islamic state it is our religious and national obligation to look after the welfare of the minorities living in the country, and it was a matter of pride that al

He said that minorities in Pakistan enjoy equal rights as enshrined in the Holy Quran, the Constitution of the country and envisioned by the Father of the Nation, Quaid-e- Azam. The President made these remarks during a meeting with a delegation of the World Council of Churches, Geneva led by it General Secretary Dr. Korrad Raiser here Saturday. General Pervez Musharraf emphasized that terrorism should not be associated with any religion, as it was an undeniable fact that all religions abhorred violence. The President paid rich tributes to the contribution of the Christian community in all fields of national endevour, the social sectors, particularly health and education. The delegation thanked the President for his efforts for the welfare of the minorities in Pakistan, and the opportunity to call on him. The delegation included, Rey Samuel Robert Azariah, Bishop of Raiwind Dlocese Lahore, Rev Dr. Alexander John Malik, Bishop of Lahore Diocese Cathedral Close, Mr. Clement John, Executive Secy International Affairs, World Council of Churches Geneva, Rev Samuel Pervaiz, President, National Council of Churches in Pakistan, Bishop of Sialkot diocese and Mr. Victor Azariah, General Secretary, National Council of Churches in Pakistan, Lahore.

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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

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