Muslim extremist group Zarb-e Momin now threatens to kill PCP correspondent Pervaiz Iqbal from Quetta. PCP Report


Quetta. September 2, 2004. The zarb-e-Momin, a Muslim extremist group operating in Pakistan is grave threat to Pakistan Christian Post volunteer staff. The Pakistan Christian Post, the only voice of Pakistani Christian on globe, is major target of Mu

The Zarb-e Momin magazine is also published by this extremist group and as cover it’s presented as Muslim preaching group but it acts to diminish the voice of Christians by its hidden hands. Mr. Pervaiz Iqbal receives the threat e-mails now from this group. The e-mails have pressured him to stop working for Pakistan Christian Post unless into face dire consequences. The Balouchistan province of Pakistan with long stretched bordering Afghanistan and Iran seems to be new front of Al Qaida operatives in recent months. The Chief Minister of Baluchistan conveys was attacked killing armed personnel and law enforcement agencies are under constant attacks of terrorists. The Balouchistan province was considered to be peaceful area from years of terrorist’s action in Pakistan except ethnic and communal attacks. In prevailing law and order situation in Balouchistan the threats of life to Mr. Pervaiz Iqbal are very serious. The Muslim extremist group Zarb-e- Momin has been sending threat and hates e-mails to Pakistan Christian Post bureau chief of Karachi Rev. Khalid Soomro and Rev. Stephen Nazir, correspondent from Faisalabad. The house of Rev. Khalid soomro was burnet down in July 2004 in an attempt to kill him but he survived with his family of this fatal attack. Rev. Khalid Soomro family is in hiding in Pakistan and shelter less. Rev. Stephen Nazir is also in hiding and run to save his life. In such circumstances the threat to Mr. Iqbal cannot be easily ignored. Here is threat e-mail mailed to Mr. Pervaiz Iqbal: Pervaz Iqbal Masih I am editor of Zarb-e-Momin a large weekly-circulated newspaper; Our Original Language is Arabic by Allah. Why you are and your News Paper Pakistan Christian Post Supports Rev. Wilson Fazal (Quetta) Rev. Stephan Nazir (Faisalabad) and Rev. Khalid Mansoor Soomro (Karachi). First of All I see Rev. Khalid Soomro and Rev. Stephan Nazir, Rev. Khalid Soomro Challenged our Organization (MARKAZ DAWA) and Islam. Rev. Soomro sends me one Article and challenged me. Article "Allah’s Commands to Fight in the Qur’an" Why Muslims Must Fight Against Unbelievers I send you only Introduction Article Introduction 1. Allah’s order for the Islamization of the whole world 2. The pre-determination of all Muslims to bare arms and fight for Allah 3. Allah’s unrestricted call to fight, to Muhammad and to Muslims 4. The retaliatory war: How Allah justifies the war against non-believers in the Qur’an 5. How Allah’s call to arms is supposed to be carried out 6. Rewards for carrying out Allah’s call to arms 7. What Allah says to Muslims who are unwilling or hesitate to fight? 8. What happened in the great Battle with the Muslim persecutors (at Badr in 624)? 9. Allah’s call to arms during an Islamic civil war. I am very upset after reads this article Rev. Khalid Soomro is very dangerous for Ummat-e-Muslma and Aalam-e-Islam, Brother Please Personally asked for Rev. Soomro Stop Biblical Evangelism in Islam, Rev. Stephan and Rev. Khalid Soomro Please stop your all activities. And you Parvaz Iqbal not involve (matter) Rev. Khalid Soomro, Wilson Fazal and Stephan Nazir This is my last letter and I promise to you after I will action (Al-Qaida) (Jesh-e-Mohammad) (Markaz Dawa) Keep us in your prayers.

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