MMA adopted Christian Member National Assembly Aasia Nasir visits USA!!! PCP Report.


USA. The first Christian women Member National Assembly of Pakistan Aasia Nasir, adopted by Six Muslim Religious Parties Alliance (MMA) was on official tour of USA. She was here with one parliamentarian delegation from Pakistan.

Aasia Nasir MNA, avoided meeting Pakistani Christian community leaders in USA nor she addressed any gathering of Christians to highlight her visit. When PCP correspondent contacted Pakistani Embassy in Washington DC, it was learned that Aasia Nasir visited Pakistani mission only once during her tour and embassy was not fully aware of the nature of visit of this parliamentarian delegation of Pakistan. The Pakistani Christian community leaders here in US seemed disappointed on controversial statements made by Aasia Nasir MNA on kidnapping of Pastor Wilson Fazal. The Pastor was kidnapped few months back from Quetta, the hometown of Aasia Nasir MNA by some extremist Muslim groups. He surfaced in MNA hostel Islamabad after days of torture of kidnappers in room of Aasia Nasir. Aasia Nasir called for strike of Christians in Balouchistan province with deadline of recovery of Pastor Wilson Fazal but she termed it kidnapping drama during her US visit. Aasia Nasir was adopted by MMA from Baloucihistan when Parvez Masih from Peshawar, the provincial headquarters of NWFP after MMA landslide victory in these provinces stretched with Afghanistan borders in national general elections of 2002, The 15 million Christians of Pakistan never supported Muslim religious groups in any elections after formation of Pakistan in 1947. The Christians always voted for moderate and progressive Muslim political groups instead of religious elements. The Christians were victimized by change in election system for minorities in Pakistan in 2002 elections when Separate Electorate was snatched and Joint Electorate was imposed against the will of general Christian community in Pakistan. In Separate Election System, the religious minorities voted for their own candidates on reserved seats in parliament since 1985. The imposed Joint Electorate system in elections of 2002 led a way for Muslim religious groups to capture Christian’s reserved seats for the first time in election history of Pakistan. In this ill Joint Electorate System Christians were forced to vote for Muslims and Muslim parliamentarians were empowered to select Christians in parliament. The asia Nasir is also fruit of such ill imposition election system in Pakistan. The MMA government of NWFP have enforced Islamic Laws in province while MMA led collation government of Balouchistan has also tabled the Sharia Bill in house. The Christians understand that Aasia Nasir is not free to speak without the permission of their party leaders in this new election system but they expected Aasia Nasir MNA to avail chance of freedom in USA

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