LHC restrained Lahore Diocese Trust Association from alienating trust properties. PCP Report


Lahore. Vide orders dated 10.12.2004 in F.A.O. no. 245/2004 the Lahore High Court, Lahore has restrained the Lahore Diocesan Trust Association headed by the Bishop of Lahore Diocese Dr. Alexander John Malik from alienating or changing the trust prope

The petitioner in F.A.O. no. 245/2004 The Rt. Rev. John Samuel Bishop of Faisalabad Diocese requested the Honorable Court at Lahore to restrain the Bishop of Lahore Alexander John Malik and the other members of Lahore Diocesan Trust Association from selling the Church properties on the main ground that the LDTA is a defunct body and all the properties sold by it have been sold illegally. On hearing the same the High Court has restrained the respondents from all transactions as well as from alienating or changing the trust properties by any means whatsoever. The Rt. Rev. Ijaz Inayat Masih Bishop of Karachi has also requested the Honorable High Court for his impleadment as a co-Plaintiff in the said case. It may also be noted that another order-dated 08.09.2003 passed by the Honorable High Court of Sindh at Karachi in Suit no. 970/2003 is also operative, wherein the Plaintiff Bishop of Karachi The Rt. Rev. Ijaz Inayat Masih requested the Honorable Court to restrain the Bishop of Lahore Alexander John Malik, Bishop of Raiwind Samuel Robert Azraiah, Rev. Sadiq Daniel Pastor of Karachi and others from selling Church properties. On hearing the application for injunction, the Honorable High Court of Sindh at Karachi vides orders dated 08.09.2003 was graciously pleased to grant a Status Quo order in the favor of Bishop of Karachi. Previously, a number of properties worth in billions of rupees have been sold by the Bishop of Lahore The Rt. Rev. Alexander John Malik and Rev. Sadiq Daniel of Karachi. In the light of prevailing legal situation all the properties belonging to the Church of Pakistan and that of the Lahore Diocesan Trust Association cannot be sold as ordered by the Honorable High Courts at Lahore and Karachi. Furthermore the Government of Pakistan vides ORDINANCE NO. V OF 2002 (An Ordinance to protect the properties of minority communities meant for their communal use) has also imposed ban on the sale of Church properties vide which no Church property can be sold.

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