J.Salik sits in "ASHES", unique protest enters fourth day


Islamabad. June 25, 2005. Julius Salik, Former Federal Minister, a Christian leader and nominated candidate for Nobel Peace Prize, under the shadow of the National Flag along, portrait of the Jesus Christ and Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah with the

at his residence. Dressed in yellow parachute a large number of children, young, old men and women participated in the inaugural prayer. His protest in the "ASHES" during this scorching heat at 46-48 degree enters 3rd day. People from all walks of life visited him day and night, spent mentionable time in his company. A number of Human Rights Organizations and well-wishers contacted to inquire of his well being expressed their solidarity offered all kind of help and support. J.Salik in his 18th day in parachute dress feels grief and sorrow that his last 30 years struggle for Human Rights and for Solidarity between the Christians and the Muslims remains futile, while the Islamic Ideological Council has thrown fuel on fire by spending earnings of the confiscated liquor on their welfare whereas the budget speech for their welfare is silent. He repeating the 'history of Hazrat Younus' sat in Ashes mourning for his demands till such time all demands are well known to the Entire World or till the Government of Islamic Republic of Pakistan accepts these demands in the name of God and the sacrifices given by the Shaheeds for creation of Pakistan and its solidarity. In the age of Hazrat Younus, the people of the Nainwa city keeping the fast, sat in the ASH and prayed to God for their forgiveness. In this way God listening to their prayers forgave them. J.Salik is following the people of Nainwa city. A few of the demands are as under: 1. Ignoring the minorities in the recent budget speech, the Government has added to insult. It is a great cruelty and symbol of hatred to force the poor sanitary workers to wear yellow parachute jacket uniforms of the yellow dustbin colour under the scorching sun. The sanitary workers are facing far more cruelty than that existed in the age of "FIRON". They are getting only (US $ 28) Rs. 1700/- per month for cruel 10 duty hours a day under privatization system during these days of price hike. 2. Under aged children engaged on daily wages basis in violation of labour laws are paid (US $ 20 to 25 only) Rs. 1200 to 1500/- pm only. 3. The slums (katchi abadis) of Islamabad to which during his minister-ship in 1995, he had given the rights of ownership, no developmental work has been started. These slums (abadis) have not been provided with even the basic facilities. On the basis of self-reliance these slums (abadis) have only one electricity meter to feed the entire slum (abadi). Payment of bill is not based on the principle of justice as a widow who has only one bulb has to pay equal to those who consume electricity lavishly on their electronic and electric appliances. 4. The National Assembly seats have been raised from 207 to 335. Even the seats of women have been raised from 15 to 60 but the 30 years old minority seats still remain only 10 which through magic stick instead of election have been filled by selection resulting in eliminating the representation of minorities who rightfully deserve their representation on National Assembly and the Islamic Ideological Council 5. The Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, out of 365 days, has not reserved even a single day to listen to the minorities.

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On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

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