by offering fee concessions for prospective converts. The Sangh parivar out fits (radical Hindus) were exerting the school management for fee concessions and large number of admissions. Having failed to oblige the Hindu radicals resulted in the doctored enquiry and subsequent arrest of the priest assiduously working in the tribal areas for the poor and the needy. Global council of Indian Christians (GCIC) debunks the enticement story cooked up by the radical Hindu government in the state of Madhy Pradesh. Earlier this week the sangh Parvar threatened the Christians in the tribal area of Jhabhua the dire consequences for the rise of Christian population in the village.
Global council of Indian Christians urges the central government to quiz the Director General of Police Mr. Narendra Prasad for his alleged role in arresting the priest without following proper procedures as envisaged in the constitution of India. The Police officer, we construed has succumbed to the pressure of radical Hindus
. Meanwhile, reports indicate fears by Christian groups in Orissa state over the enactment of a controversial law-- that requires prior government permission before religious conversion-- have been realized this week. Police in Balasore district in the state are reported to have prevented the five -member tribal family of Canna from embracing Christianity, invoking the provisions of the Orissa Freedom of Religion Act enacted in November 1999. Following the silence of government officials even three weeks after Singh's family applied to the District Collector in the prescribed form for permission to convert, Singh and Protestant pastor Mundu decided to go ahead with the conversion ceremony. However, police stopped them on the grounds that the investigation into their causes leading to their conversion was not yet complete.
Under the controversial act, those seeking to convert have to apply to the District Collector who would then ask the police to investigate the matter and report to him. If he were satisfied with the reasons for which the person intended to convert, permission would be granted for it. However reports say that government officials are holding back the permission for the tribal family to convert under pressure from Hindu fundamentalist outfits. Churches had expressed the same concern when they jointly petitioned the state high court challenging the validity of the law, saying that it violates the fundamental right "to profess, practice, and propagate the religion of one's choice" under the Indian constitution and is likely to be misused against Christians. However, the court turned down the petition.
While dozens of tribal Christian families were "reconverted" under threat amid much fanfare by Hindu fundamentalists several months, Christian calls for invocation of the act went unheeded in the state ruled by a coalition government in which the pro-Hindu BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) is a partner.
In the pretext of spirituality Indian Hindu Gurus and 'hugging saints" are converting Christians all over the world. We would like to bring the interesting facts about conversion by real inducement, the instant salvation is promised by the Ms Amruthanmaya a self styled" hugging saint of India" and peace by art of living .Sri Sri Ravi Shankar shares stage with the biggest communal hate Monger Pravin Togadia (7th December 2004 at Bangalore, India) and justifies Narendra Modi, alleged to have involve in the pogrom against Minorities in the sate of Gujrat (Speech in the meeting of rich hotels association in Florida)
That's the debate that happened between Sri Ravi Shankar, founder of the Art of Living movement, and eminent lyricist Javed Akhtar on the second day of the two-day India Today Conclave." Spirituality is something that has always been a part of our civilization," said Ravi Shankar, founder and guru to millions of people around the world.
A core foundation of his teaching is a series of breathing exercises that have helped thousands relax, ease stress and get a grip of the rough and tumble of modern-day living.
"Breathing is intrinsically connected with the way we are. It's related to our emotions. If we know how to control our breathing we can handle our emotions," said Shankar, whose Art of Living courses have been taken by everyone from India's richest business tycoons to prisoners and evenrebelguerrillas. But Akhtar strongly disagreed. "It's not enough to teach rich people how to breathe," said the award-winning poet and Bollywood's top lyricist.
"None of the spiritual gurus have ever taken any stand against injustice in our country. They have not criticized the powers-that-be. They have not stood for the rights of the downtrodden," said Akhtar.
"I believe in no religion," said Akhtar. "I think that every human being has a quota of nobility within them which they finish when they go to a temple or a mosque.
"I don't go to any of these places and so I use my nobility to help people, feed them. This to me is much more important than anything else.
"The gurus teach that come to me and I shall take you away from suffering. In truth, that can never be done; no one can take away the suffering of the world.
"Life is divided into joy and sorrow and no one can do anything about it."
Retorted Shankar: "It's easy to dismiss everything. We have always believed in scientific spirituality and there have been studies to show that breathing exercises help to calm the body, soothe the mind.
"This dismissal is the dismissal of the ignorant."
Some of the world's top government and business leaders are attending the conclave, including US Senator Hillary Clinton and Afghan President.
Stop this dichotomy against Christians and interestingly the radical Hindus raise millions of dollars to instigate anti –Christian activities in India,