80% Christians condemn Parliamentary Secretary Mushtaq Victor statement on PCP polls.


Mushtaq Victor Member National Assembly of Pakistan and Parliamentary Secretary for minorities Division issued a statement “Minorities in Pakistan enjoy unprecedented rights” on September 30, 2005.

Mr. Victor is not a first Christian leader to issue such statement because who so ever entered in ruling party he has been forced to speak in his master's voice. Late Mr. Francis X Lobo who was selected by military government in Majlis-e Shoora was used by government to announce " Christian enjoy equal rights in Pakistan" during his tour to western countries in 1980. Fr. Rufin Julius, State Minister for Minorities, J salik as Federal Minister for Population Planning and many other leaders made such statements during their tours abroad. Moreover, Government of Pakistan also used religious leaders like Bishop Alexander Malik and others to state, " Christians are happy and enjoy equal rights in Pakistan" in their government paid tours to USA and Europe. In polls by rejecting Mushtaq Victor statement, Christians have retreated that " Christians are being treated as Second Class citizens in Pakistan" It is very important to note that why Christian leaders when they are in public they condemn government policies and demand equal rights for Christians but as soon as they join government, their tone is changed? We think that Christians selected or elected for parliament were never committed to Christian cause and issues. The Christian in Parliament can press on Christian demands and present motions to record their protests on anti-Christian legislation but we are still waiting for such courageous leaders. It was general opinion that Christian shall elect any committed and dedicated leader under Separate Electorate because we witnessed that they voted always-new leaders and rejected those to whom they considered cowards and bargaining on rights. Its shameful for those who demanded Joint Electorate when right to select Christian representatives was empowered to Muslim Political Parties instead of Christian franchise voting. Mushtaq Victor is also selected representative on Christian reserved seats by Pakistan Peoples Party on recommendation of Christian Liberation Front. The Christian Liberation Front motivated demand of Joint Election System in Pakistan and abroad on intimation of Muslims political groups and government of Pakistan. The government of Pakistan assumed grave danger when few Christian leaders in parliament elected under Separate Electorate stressed to start their speeches with Christian prayers and moved many issues of Christian rights in house. The Christian Liberation leadership supported by Church funds was an easy prey and government agencies pushed Joint Election demand in their mouths. Mushtaq Victor abandoned his foster parents PPP and joined ruling Pakistan Muslim League PML as bargain to be Parliamentary Secretary in Government. So, his statement is not very surprising for Pakistani Christians but it is misleading to international community. We wish to bring on record that Christian churches have been desecrated, properties destroyed and victimization under blasphemy laws is in progress in Pakistan. The life and property of Christians is not safe in Pakistan. The Christians have no right to elect their own representation in democratic institutions. " Its what equal rights Christian enjoy in Pakistan" Nazir S Bhatti, Editor.

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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com