Since 11th September 2001 the most spoken word is "terrorism". "Terrorism" as I understand is an act of violence by an individual or an organization, against unaware, defenseless and innocent people, killing them or inflicting wounds on them and leav
In this violence always those people suffer who are least expecting any harm. On the contrary an attack on military targets is not terrorism. In this context, we need to find out the reason that why people like all the people in the world become "terrorists"? Why they resort to the acts of 'terrorism". What makes them to destroy others and destroy themselves. Where the acts of "terrorism" can not be condoned, the reason must be found. During the on going "war against terrorism", we have heard so much about fighting terrorism but hardly any one has ever thought what makes a "terrorist" kill innocent people and kill him/herself? What we see in the world, all terrorist acts have been done by those people who have being denied their human rights and in utter disappointment they become tolls in the hands of a handful of extremists. Ever since 1948 when the state of Israel was established, the Palestinians are demanding their "right" to live. According to no human standard their demand is unjustified. Yet no world power has resolved their problem in almost 55 years. I don't deny the right of people of Israel to enjoy freedom that they got almost after two thousand years, yet the Palestinians do deserve the right to live in peace and freedom. What we have been seeing since long is destroyed homes and "dead Palestinians". The State of Israel kills Palestinians like birds. The net result, "suicide bombing". Who wants to blow him/herself with a "bomb"? Only a person who has lost all hopes of justice from international community. The world powers only react where their own interest is endangered. We saw Iraq rolling in Kuwait in 1990. The West had its interest in "Gulf Oil", therefore it was liberated in matter of months. They have no national interest in solving the long outstanding issue of Palestine, the Palestinians are bathing in blood and that breads "terrorists". Provide justice to these unfortunate people, the peace will prevail. In Indian occupied Kashmir, the people are longing for freedom since 1947, this issue is still on United Nations agenda and record but what has the international community done for the freedom of the people of Kashmir? So far nothing. These unfortunate people finally decided to take arms for their freedom and are termed as "Attang Wadhi" or "terrorists" by the Indian ruling Junta. The worst thing that happened was that the international community ignored the miseries of the people of Kashmir. Kashmir is burning for years and no one has tried to resolve this issue. Pakistan and India have fought four wars, but international community kept their eyes closed. Their eyes are still closed on this very dangerous issue. I must remind the world community that there is only one "nuclear flash point" in the world and that is Kashmir. The fact remains that Kashmir is a disputed territory. There is no "international boundary" between India and Pakistan in Kashmir region. The line dividing the two opposing forces was called "Cease Fire Line" now called "Line of Control". Yet what we hear from all corners of the world is "Cross Border Terrorism". I ask the learned leaders of the world, "when no border exists how can the freedom struggle in Kashmir be termed as [Cross Border Terrorism]". Like the Palestinians, the people of Kashmir have been denied their right to make a choice. Do they want to join Pakistan, India or do they want independent Kashmir? No one is asking India to give a chance to the people of Kashmir to decide their destiny. The war of freedom goes on. Kashmir is also bathing in blood and the world community is pleasing India just as it is pleasing Israel. These are only two of the many places where justice has not been provided to the people that has resulted into "Forced Suicide" the "Suicide Bombing". Now when justice is denied for an extra long period of time, the sufferer can not see any hope of end of his/her miseries, they decide to die but not alone. This utter disappointment is then termed as "terrorism". The reality must be remembered that when any one reach such degree of disappointment that he/she is willing to die, then people with vested interests come in. I believe this is how people like Ossama, the hard line religious leadership and other "terrorists groups" find people to fulfill their evil desire and designs. I still am of the opinion that had America bothered to rehabilitate the "war torn" Afghanistan in 1989 after the withdrawal of Soviet Union; there would have been no Ossama and Talibans. If the world community had cared back in 1989, the "Word Trade Center" would have been standing tall even today. If the United States of America and rest of the civilized world wants to win war against terrorism, they need to win the hearts of people who are suffering for injustice, hunger, poverty, disease and wars that are being fought in the interest of civilized world, by this I mean the situation in Africa. It would be hypocrisy on my part if I don't tell the civilized world that they are targets of hate in every Second, Third or Fourth World (if there is one) country. Once, not very long ago the Americans were respected in poor countries. We could see them all over Pakistan. People would try to be as courteous to them as they could. Today they feel unsafe even in America what to talk of countries like ours. Why this change? Let me tell you, the Americans have said [may be] Farewell to justice. By the Grace of Lord God, you are considered the leaders of the world of the day. Declare a "War against Injustice Poverty, Disease and Hunger". You will find the entire world on your side. Once you win the hearts of hungry and angry people, you can walk in the streets of my own city Gujranwala without any fear. Please remember, Justice is the only way to lasting peace. Provide the justice to the world, the world will be yours. You would not have to hide any more. Please try to come out of the corner that you have pushed yourself to. May the Lord God bless you.
Rt. Rev. Dr. Major (Retired) Timotheus Nasir
Bishop of Pakistan,
The United Presbyterian Church of Pakistan,