The de-facto ruler of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed Bin Salma popularly called MBS may be thinking that by p
WOE ON THE CONDITION OF POOR PAKISTANI CHRISTIANS. By Roberts.. Chained 4 Christ International.
Woe on the pitiable situation of faith full, great patriot and committed loyal Christians of Pakistan. They had paid a very high price for their faith to stay as Christian and still they are continuously paying extremely high price, these poor Chri
Pakistani Christians are continuously under the constant threat of life, there are discriminatory laws against them, these sincere Christian are called rebel and are spying for USA and Great Britain and other European countries. Islamic fundamentalist militant and Jihadi groups are making their life unbearable every day in Pakistan, Christians are beaten, girls are rapped and by force are converting to Islam and said now you are no more infidel because now you are under the banner of Islam, if some one refuse they are tortured , killing and kidnapping is raising day by day.
It is very hard and indeed difficult to come out from Pakistan for the Christians of Pakistan, if a hand full amount of Christians could manage to come out and Apply for Asylum straight away they are refused saying this, every thing is alright in Pakistan Christians have equal rights as Muslims do, there is no problem, no discrimination at all.
I'm sorry to say that they are doing bull shit for the Christians of Pakistan. Why they do not look that thousand of Christians are in prisons with false cases of Blasphemy and are awaiting for justice, so many lost their lives account less Christians have left their homes, parent, brothers and sisters, and love ones. These rejected and oppressed Christian have been thrown away from their home land but never been granted asylum a very few had been accepted after long time trial. But against it there are millions of Muslims have been granted asylum with forgery documents while Muslim have no problem in their countries at all. After getting asylum this Muslim are creating problem and want to do every thing according to Islamic point of view. Against it if one Christian out of thousands granted asylum, he is very humble, sincere, faith full, harmless, reliable for the country he got asylum in.
International media also highlights about Islamic world not about the Christians of Pakistan. It should bring the facts into the kind notice of peace makers of the world especially Mr.. George W Bush the president of United States of America, Mr.. Tony Blair the Prime minister of United Kingdom and Mr.. Kuffi Anan Secretary General of United nations.
Since September 11, 2002 the Christians of Pakistan are suffering very badly at every stage of life. Especially American war on Terror in Afghanistan and now in Iraq, unfortunately the Christians of Pakistan always been linked with America on the grounds that America is a Christian country. The hard line Jihadi militants are taking revenge from the poor and armless Christians of Pakistan.
I would ask the Supper Powers, Civilized Nations and Peace Makers of the World that where do these unsupported, poor, rejected Christians of Pakistan bring their case for justice. Indeed it's a very big question, where do they go which door they knock, who will wipe off their tears, and who will guarantee to get rid of this worse condition?????. Why the civilized nations kept silent not taking any notice of this entire injustice deeds of Islamic Jihadi groups against the Christians of Pakistan ?
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On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.