The de-facto ruler of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed Bin Salma popularly called MBS may be thinking that by p
Agony of Jalal Masih Family in Punjab Province of Pakistan. By ROBERTS
No body is giving ear our cry; no one is paying any attention to our problem, sufferings, Our tears have no value at all, we are treated like slaves in this modern world too having no voice to let other people know about our self, whatever Muslims wa
Jalal Masih expressed with grief that after the incident of September 11, 2002 war on terror in Afghanistan and no war on Iraq we (Christian) have become the soar of the eye of the Muslim all the time and now the circumstances have turned into very worse flow. Every body stares and looks down to us, as we are the responsible for every thing going on the world. We are living under constant threat of life, Muslims are looking any lame excuse to beat us, persecute us. Much time I thought to live this village and to go somewhere else where there is Christian population, then we though that might be circumstances get better.
He explained that last Friday here in our village Muslim invited some Islamic leader from other city, he was addressing on Jummah (Friday Prayer). He was saying like this, this the time when Muslim have left alone in the world they should understand and unite other wise this evil forces will damage them very badly. This world is made for Islam not for these Infidels. America and Britain are completely against Islam, they want to finish Muslim from the face of the earth but I swear that Islam is the only true and holy religion on the earth. We have to spread Islam all over the world even what price we have to pay we don't bother.
This massage is only for new generations Pakistan is your country, we want Shria Law in Pakistan thank God process has been started from NWFP soon Islam will spread all over the Pakistan, we also don't want President Musharruf and Prime minister Jamali they are American and British puppets. First America conquered Afghanistan and now they got Iraq as well. They slaughtered our thousands innocent Muslim brother they want to make Islam week and week, we have to take revenge of these innocent Muslims from these infidels, and have to do Jihad against them, I tell you it's in Koran if you kill one infidel you will directly enter into paradise. This country is only for Muslim not for any body, else we have to clean it if other religion agree to convert to Islam ok, other wise we have to kill them and make this country holy. Christians are the worse enemy of Islam, you must know this Suleiman Rushdie wrote a book "Satanic Verses" he insulted whole world of Islam and Britain gave him all kind of protection. Every Christian got this book and read it because it's against the holy prophet and Islam, how we can accept they America and Britain are our friend. I would say to you where ever you see Christian first ask them to come under the banner of Islam if not then kill them; it's a great duty of jealous and true Muslim.
I would like to remind you that Usama-bin- Ladin is our great Muslim leader we salute him what he did with America Muslim, he made the Muslim history unforgettable in the world, I assume that there are many like Usama among you we have to support his organization Al- Qaida to fulfill his sacred mission which was against Islam.
After listening this kind of instigated speech of their religious leader young Muslim were very incitement against Christian they attacked on our home and beaten us very severely and were saying that give us Suleiman Rashid's book, I assured them I don't really know about this person I'm just listening today from your mouth they did not listen us at all and warned us leave this village quickly as soon as you can other wise will burn you with your house or accept Islam then you will be no more infidel choice is yours.
Then I left that village forever they beaten me up so badly now I'm not able to do any work at all. But I thank God that I'm still Christian and did betrayed my Jesus.
This was the a real autobiography of Jalal Masih, when I came to know this story I could not stop my pen to write about it what had happen, this kind of true incidents are taking place every day in Pakistan but unfortunately they don't have any easy access to let any body know.
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On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.