
Introduction: - Holiness of the marriage, family and community means consecrated to God. It is to separate something for the purpose of consecration in order to have deep relationship with God. In the Bible, it is God who is Holy. The Psalmist and

The term holiness is applied to Marriage, family and community in order to show relationship with the creator and with his being. In the New Testament holiness was envisioned primarily as the fullness of life in Christ by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. The Christians were distinguished by faith, hope and love. Marriage, family and community, thus these three terms are very important in modern time because they lead us to a new vision, special aim and mission in the society. They are the pillars of the society and society is the pillar of the nation. It is true that today family life is a main source of the community. If we have good families than we can have good community, society and even the nation. Each married couple, community, society and nation likes to develop socially, educationally, anthropologically, scientifically and financially more in the computerized system but they should also grow in faith and in spiritual life. Today there is lot of struggle going on between faith and human needs. In this article, I am going to explain to the reader to focus yourself on the holiness of marriage, family and community life for our spiritual growth. Christian holiness entails living in faith, hope, and love.

A) Marriage and its Holiness
The term "marriage" deals with family life and community therefore married life, in the book of Genesis 2:24, it is said, "That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united with his wife, and they become one flesh". This sentence quoted is also by Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 19:5) and by the Apostle (Eph.5: 31) as an authority for their teachings on marriage. In all these key phrases the, the key verse is the expression of "one flesh". Thus we can say, marriage is kinship and fellowship as well as marriage is as the deepest corporal and spiritual unity of man and woman. The chief contribution, of the New Testament is "indissolubility" of the marriage and the equal dignity of woman (Gal. 3:38; 1Cor. 7:4; 11:11-12). By raising woman to a position of equal personal dignity with man, thus marriage was made truly one flesh, for the unity implied in this expression necessarily presupposes that each person be given opportunity to develop his full potentialities. St. Thomas Aquinas had taught us that the intimate partnership of life and the love which constitutes the married state has been established by the creator and endowed by him with its own proper laws: it is rooted in the contract of its partners, that is, in their irrevocable personal consent. It is an institution confirmed by the divine law and receiving its stability, even in the eyes of society, from the human act by which the partners mutually surrender themselves to each other; for the good of the partners, of the children and of the society this sacred bond no longer depends on human decision alone. For God himself is the author of marriage and has endowed it with various benefits and with various ends in view (Summa Theo. Suppl. Q. 49. Art., 3).

B) Family Life and its Holiness
The teaching of the Church has further explained that God desired that all men should form family and deal with each other in a spirit of brotherhood. Since they have been created in the likeness of God who "made from one every nation of men who live on all the face of the earth (Act. 17:26). Love of God and of one's neighbor, then, is the first and greatest commandment. Scripture teaches us that love of God cannot be separated from the love of one's neighbor. " Any other commandment is summed up in this sentence: " You shall love your neighbor as yourself….' Therefore love is the fulfilling of the law"(Roman. 13:9-10; 1 Jn. 4:20). Further more, the Lord Jesus, when He was praying to the Father and He said, "that they may all be one…even as we are one"(Jn. 17:21-22). This prayer has opened up a new horizons closed to human reason by implying that there is a certain parallel between the union existing among the divine persons and the union of the sons of God in truth and love. It follows, then, that if man is the only creature on earth that God has wanted for its own sake, man can fully discover his true self only in a sincere giving of himself. According to the Canon Law, "The marriage covenant, by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of their whole life, and which of its own very nature is ordered to the well being of the spouses and to the procreation and upbringing of the Children, has, between the baptized, been raised by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a sacrament" (CIC 1983, Can. 1055). This canon establishes that marriage covenant is directed to the procreation and upbringing of Children and that it is elevated to the dignity of a sacrament. Secondly it intimates the partnership of life and the love of God. What constitutes the married state has been established by the creator and endowed by him with its own proper law.

C) Community and its Holiness
Generally, community is considered "a group of people who are living in the same locality and under the same rules and have common interests. In this century men and women also thinking in macro terms like "global community" as well as in micro terms like "neighborhood ". Which is based on experience of relationship, belonging, an awareness of support, recognition that we have much in common exists. Community means feeling of solidarity. Married people who called to love for each other and to love mankind in very serious way and to work for the betterment of mankind. They are global community and neighborhood community. In the New Testament, the term community gives more meaning, "partner" (Acts 2:42-46), "to share" (Roman, 12:13), and "communion" and fellowship (1 Cor. 10:16). Jerome biblical commentary has described that; these terms mean a partner who shares the communion and fellowship of the people. Thus among these terms the diminutive term is "fellowship" it gives stress on a new life of the person or newness of the person. It was also explained that it was the desires of new believers to be with the people of God and to share the things in common with them and expressed complete dependence on the Lord for worship, guidance, preservation and service. The believers continually assembled together and held all things in common trust. So mightily was the love of God shed abroad in their hearts that they did not look upon their material possessions as their own (Cfr. Act. 4:32), whenever there was a genuine need in the fellowship.

The teaching of the Vatican Council II has affirmed that the fellowship and union of the family of man is greatly consolidated and reflected by the unity, which Christ established among the sons of God (Cfr. Lumen Gentium, n.2). Pope Paul VI explained very clearly that today's world is the intense development of internal relationships. Nevertheless genuine fraternal dialogue is advanced not so much on this level as at the deeper level of personal fellowship, and this calls for mutual respect for the full spiritual dignity of men as persons. Christian revelation greatly fosters the establishment of such fellowship and at the same time, it promotes deeper understanding of the laws of social living with which the creator has endowed man's spiritual and moral nature (Cfr. Ecclesiam Suam, n. 4-6).

In modern time, the holiness of the marriage, family and community is going down. This is a big challenge to all of us. Now we must start thinking. How can we grow and develop in holiness? The best tools for this growth are prayer life, unity, love, acceptance, listening, respect, positive thinking, and education and up lifting of the children. If all married couples build these skills, naturally the community will develop more because there are lots of problems in the marriages, families and in the communities. Each couple must focus on themselves and give a good example to other people and in the society. Good society depends on good family life that is united with their Children in prayers. To build community and family life, we should build up some good listening steps. 1) Stepping out of my own world 2) Entering into your is world 3) sensing our deepest feelings and giving an adequate response. These steps give us a new vision to grow in communications and understanding in order to grow more spiritually. We should always ask questions. What common interests does someone living in a particular community have? What expectations do we have of others around us? Do we identify ourselves as being part of a community? How we can maintain the holiness of marriage, family and the community?


Introduction:- Marriage celebration in Roman Catholic Church, the title by itself has wider meaning. I shall be explaining this article more liturgical and theological point of view, although these days are very important in each religion, societies, communities' religious denominations and nations. I am not a writer but today is a need to know more about you rather than others. Each person, community, society and nation begins to think that this is my day. How can I use this day? How can I celebrate this day in a relax way and especially in a happy mood? Whom to call on this day? How much I have budget to spend? What is a religious importance for me? What is my goal in future to develop and to grow? What strategies I am going to make for family and myself? What role I am going to play? What is the role of the others? What lesson or message will give to me and to others? What is a marriage anniversary for me? What is a celebration? All these, questions can make our more clear vision, when person celebrate any kind of marriage day of his own or of the others and with others.
1) What is a marriage? :- Biblically,

1) Death Anniversaries:- Liturgically it means recalls to God 's memory the assembly celebrating the Covenant. Since the memory of the participants joins the memory of God, the memorial serves to actualize the great foundational events of the Covenant. Every liturgical act makes the present the preceding Covenant and anticipates the more perfect Covenant to come.
The Sinaitic Covenant:- This covenant was not accomplished with the Patriarchs but also the Covenants with the Patriarchs but also the Covenant with Noah. Jesus affected the last covenant through the sacrifice of the New Covenant in His Blood, which inaugurated the end time (Act 2:7).

The Eucharistic Memory: - It re-presents for believers the central Hour of the History of Salvation. Jesus Said "do this in memory of me"(Lk.22: 19).

ii) Hospital/ Convent/ Rectory/Church
iii) Hospital/ Convent/ Rectory/Church
ii) Hospital/ Convent/ Rectory/Church

1) Name Days
I) Name of the Person (Male/Female)
ii) Name of Institution
iii) Hospital/ Convent/ Rectory/Church

C) Silver Jubilees
I) Wedding Day
ii) Religious Day
iii) Institution Day
iv) Hospital/ Convent/ Rectory/Church

I) Wedding Day
ii) Religious Day
iii) Institution Day
iv) Hospital/ Convent/ Rectory/Church

I) Birth Day
ii) Hospital/ Convent/ Rectory/Church
iii) Hospital/ Convent/ Rectory/Church


I) Hospital/ Convent/ Rectory/Church
ii) Religious Community/ Nation

Introduction: -
The community and marriage life in modern time, it means the married couple that makes larger group of people. They are the future of the society and nations. It is true that today family life is a main source of the community. If we have a good families than we can have good community. Community and family life is very important in each religion, societies, communities' religious denominations and even nations. I am not a writer but today it is a need to know more about each other's. Each person, community, society and nation begins to think that this is my day. How can I use each day? How can I celebrate this day in a relax way and especially in a happy mood? Whom to call on this day for celebration? How much I have budget to spend? What is a religious importance for me? What is my goal in future to develop and to grow? What strategy I am going to make for family and myself? What role I am going to play? What is the role of the others? What lesson or message will give to me and to others? What is a marriage anniversary for me? What is a celebration? All these, questions can make more clear vision, when person celebrate any kind of marriage day.

B) What is a community and marriage life? : - Generally, it is considered married people who called to love for each other to love mankind in very serious way and work for the betterment of the man kind. The term "marriage" deals with family life and community therefore marriage life, in the book of Genesis 2:24, it is said, "Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and leaves to his wife, and they become one flesh". This sentence quoted by Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 19:5) and by the Apostle (Eph.5: 31) as authority for their teachings on marriage. In all these key phrases the, the key verse is the expression of "on flesh". Thus we can call, marriage is kinship and fellowship as well as marriage is as the deepest corporeal and spiritual unity of man and woman. The chief contribution, of the New Testament is "indissolubility" of the marriage and the equal dignity of woman (Gal. 3:38; 1Cor. 7:4; 11:11-12).

According to the Canon Law, "The marriage covenant, by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of their whole life, and which of its own very nature is ordered to the well being of the spouses and to the procreation and upbringing of the Children, has, between the baptized, been raised by the Christ the Lord to the dignity of a sacrament" (CIC 1983, Can. 1055). This canon establishes that marriage covenant is directed to the procreation and upbringing of Children and that it is elevated to the dignity of a sacrament. Secondly the intimate partnership of life and the love, which constitutes the married state, has been established by the creator and endowed by him with its own proper law.

Thirdly by raising woman to a position of equal personal dignity with man, thus marriage was made truly one flesh, for the unity implied in this expression necessarily presupposes that each person be given opportunity to develop his full potentialities. For the development of the community of marriage, there are some currant issues, namely, unity, love, acceptance, listening, respect, positive thinking, up lifting of the children and listening skills. If married couple builds these skills, naturally the community will develop more.

C) Conclusion: - In modern, there is lot of problem in the marriage life. Each couple must focus on themselves and give a good example to other people in the society. Good society depends on good married people. Who are united in the family, with their Children in prayers? To build community and family life, we should build up some good listening steps. 1) Stepping out of my own world 2) Entering into you is world 3) Sensing our deepest feelings and 4) Giving an adequate response. These steps give us a new vision of communications and understanding to grow and to encourage each other.

APOSTOLATE, St. William's Church Philadelphia)

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