Waste of Christians time and money on Eid Iftar Parties. By Bishop T Nasir.


During the month of Ramadan (Ramzan),lot of time and money was wasted by the government and people of Pakistan on "Iftar Parties" at the time of "ending the fast". All small and big hotels were booked each evening for "Iftar Party" by government offi

Million of Rupees from "public money" were spent on these parties and every one saw soaring prices of every thing as a silent spectator. There are millions of people living below the line of poverty. This extra money was spent to please those people who already have enough to please themselves.

The most surprising thing that happened was these "Iftar Parties" thrown by Christian Clergy in Pakistan. Again millions of Rupees were spent for no reason. This practice becomes most "In Appropriate" when Hundreds of Thousands of common Christians are suffering due to poverty and they look to their "Big" religious and political leaders. Christmas is around the corner and many common Christian have no money to buy any thing for their children and we are giving "Iftar Parties" in the name of "Interfaith Harmony". I wait for Christmas to see how many Muslims will give "Christmas Party" to common Christians. The President or the Prime Minister, may be the Provincial Governors or Chief Minister might consider inviting a "selected class" of Christians, yet what good will it do for the welfare of common Christians? I wonder how long the Lord's money will be wasted on unnecessary things like "Iftar Parties"? When our leadership especially Religious leadership will think of the poor Pakistani Christians? When will they decide to help the Christian Community to stand on its own feet? When will we understand to try and help our poor community members, solve their problems and rid our selves from "self-projection"?
I wish to convey to our ignorant leadership of my concern on such "waste" of church money. I am for friendship with our "Muslim Friends" yet I am of the opinion that we have more responsibility towards our suffering community. Through Pakistan Christian Post I am sending an appeal to our religious leadership to give some time )if not all their time) to their "underfed, Un-cared for, Ignored, hungry and thirsty flock" that Lord has given under their care. One day the Lord will ask, "WHY DID YOU IGNORE MY PEOPLE?" Are we ready for this question and do we have an answer to this question? No, we don't have any answer at this time and we are not prepared to face the Lord. I hope and pray that this Christmas may bring some change in our "Shepherds".

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nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com