SEXUAL IMMORALITY. By Sabir Nazir Bashir Din, Dallas TX.


The Word of God "The Holy Bible" without any compromise is very clear about any kind of sexual immorality. What we see in today's so called modern society the shameless exposure of explicit sexual immorality and its flagrant application without slig

It is common sense to everyone regardless of nation, religion, and culture, that sexual immorality is an unacceptable and unethical act. But sadly that which was unacceptable twenty years ago to an unbeliever is now becoming acceptable to church going Bible proclaiming so called Christians. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever so why would he change now or compromise to this modern day advanced society. Had God needed to compromise He would have done that in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve and avoided the whole ordeal of coming down to this earth in form of Jesus Christ, die on the cross, shed his blood for the sins of the whole world.
Jesus Christ said that His grace is sufficient for us. The word grace has been abused and not used the way it is intended by the divine purpose. This is a total deception planted by Satan into the system so that just as Eve could not discern so the people of here on earth would not.
Once upon a time Divorce was a shameful happening but now it is a common commodity. Once upon a time keeping your virginity till the wedding night was precious but now many like to explore it before marriage at the excuse of being sexually compatible. Common law living was once out of question but now it is quite common to live common law. In many organizations both husband and wife cannot work together but at the same time a common law couple can work together in the same organization. Abortion supersedes the rate of any mankind killing so now you can well imagine how high the percentage of illegal pregnancy, sexual activity and mass murder is.
Being a gay, lesbian or bi-sexual once used to be a shameful act but now they have grown so much out of proportion that they have their rights and society is compelled to accept that as a regular normal living style and part of the culture to the point of same sex marriage, divorce and of such kind ordination as priests and bishops. The world largest and the biggest gay church exists in Dallas, Texas.
What is going to be next, I have no idea because our forefathers had no idea of what we see now in this fast pace advance society. What inheritance and legacy are we going to leave for our generations to come? The greatest fear is that would they compromise their Christian faith to the so called the modern day demonic evil influence? What kind of Christianity would there be in place?
It is not a time to wonder about tomorrow but today is the time that we need to act and stand firm to the gospel. Can we make a difference by our stand against divorce, abortion, common law living, sexual immorality, gays, lesbians or bisexual, maybe and maybe not. So what do we do to safe guard our generation from such influences? If we as believers want to see things changed then we need get on our knees and fast and pray earnestly for things to become straight once again and intercede that God will intervene and bring a stop to such advancement and ungodly progress. God expects us to love them but not their evil choices. So how do we love them - pray and intercede by fasting and passionately getting onto our knees so that there will be a change of heart and desire. How easy it is for us to point out the wrong but how difficult it is for us to fast, cry and pray for their deliverance. The Bible clearly states that it is a not a war of flesh and blood but against the evil forces and the principalities of darkness. Are we, who are concerned about these immoral issues going to get into action? Or are we going to procrastinate and let the immoral quick sand gulp up today's Christianity? To those who know the truth, God will hold you too accountable for not doing anything. Debating theology and justifying issues and manipulating the word GRACE will not yield any result except by change of heart through the mighty united power of intercessors.

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