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WHERE IS GOD? By Sabir Nazir Bashir Din, Texas
It is a general understanding among mankind that there is a super being that is all powerful and almighty, which has no beginning and no ending. That someone is identified, by most, as God. There are those too who have no concept of God.
When tragedies hit our lives, the first question that comes to our minds is, "Where is God?" But when life is "easy come; easy go" We think, "Who is God?" We like to be people who are independent, self-sufficient and in total control of all that surrounds our being. We like to take credit for the good in our lives. We seem to ignore the presence of God's existence, not realizing that we are allowing our independence to be enslaved to all that is totally opposite to God. There is a saying that says, "All credit belongs to God or else we are in trouble". What you are today is because of God's hand, guidance and protection.
"Where was God?" was the question upon everyone's heart when 9/11 took place. It is amazing how many of those who never cared about God questioned, "Where was God?" Over the years, God has revealed Himself in many ways. When Adam and Eve sinned, they hid themselves from God as He was calling them. God revealed Himself to Moses in the burning bush and also on Mount Sinai. God called Samuel by his name. God's voice was heard when John the Baptist baptized Jesus saying, "This is my son with whom I am well pleased."
"Where is God?" is a question I sometimes ask myself. But deep inside, when I become sensitive to God's presence, I can hear God saying, "Where are you Sabir can you hear me?" Seeking the will of God for every decision and choice we make in life is essential. There are many choices, paths and decision we make in life that are not God's desire for us. Then, when we meet a dead end road, we ask these questions: "Where is God?" or "Is there a God?" To some, God is like a genie in a lamp that will do wonders when you call upon his name.
"God or no God", is every individual's belief and conviction. There are those who believe in God and live their lives in total ungodliness. At the same time, there are those who do not believe in God, but their lives are full of godly character. But, behavior does not change the fact of the existence of God. God is infinite and we are finite. So, how can we as finite beings totally comprehend the One who is infinite? We may become the most successful personalities, but still our lives hang on the very fact of, "What next?" God has a purpose for everyone's life and He created us in His image and likeness. God loves us and cares for us, and He wants the best for us. Those who think they have achieved everything they have desired in life and are at their best; I have news for them. They are sadly mistaken because the best is yet to come. Here, on earth, we wear gold on our bodies. But there in life eternal, we will walk on streets of gold. This reward is for those who know where God is, they have the experience of an intimate relationship with Him and they are waiting for His return. They are looking forward to entering into the mansions He is preparing for all those who believe in Him. If you are one of those seeking God and are not yet part of a spiritual family, then I encourage you to find a company of passionate believers. Try a few churches in your neighborhood and seek God's direction for your life.
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On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.