Open Letter to president of Pakistan on Rape of 2 years child.


Honorable President of Pakistan President House, Islamabad,Pakistan. April 30, 04 Dear Sir, Sub: Rape of Two and half years old Christian girl.

On behalf of the Pakistani Christian community living in Canada and United States of America, I want to express our shock, anger and concern on the rape of two and a half year old Christian girl ‘Neha’ at Gujranwala on April 6, 04

According to the details gathered from Neha’s humiliated, helpless and embarrassed father, Abid Hussain 22 years old Muslim, a co-worker with Mr. Munir Masih at Dairy Farm near by Gujranwal, entered into Mr. Munir Masih’s house while her parents were out in connection with Easter Day’s shopping and daily chores. Mr. Abid Hussain lured two and half years old girl into nearby fields and raped her in daylight. He left ‘Neha’ semiconscious, and bleeding profoundly in a critical situation. When her mom Sajjida returned from shopping, she found her daughter missing from their house. She along with her husband started to search for their daughter and eventually they found her in field near a pond with the mother of the rapist, Abid Hussain. The mother of the rapist, Abid Hussain tried to wash her flowing blood to hide the crime. After seeing Neha in a critical situation her parents took her to the government Hospital, Gujranwal for treatment. After examination, doctors advised them to take her to any well-equipped hospital at Lahore or Islamabad for the treatment. However, she was given first aid at the Gujranwala Hospital.

In the meanwhile, the owner of Dairy Farm approached Neha’s parents asking them to keep silent on the incident. Otherwise, they will have to face disgrace in public for the rape of their daughter and retaliation from Muslim masses. They can be accused against blasphemy easily. Upon hearing the threats of Dairy Farm’s owner and other sympathizers of Mr. Abid Hussain, the rapist, Neha’s parent chose to keep silent first but grave and worsening health condition of their daughter forced them to take some Christians friends in confidence. Upon the intervention of Christian leaders and family friends, they registered a F.I.R. at Gujranwala Police station under number 186/04

I am sure having read this story you must have felt shocked and angered like us all. This incident speaks volumes about insecurity and vulnerability of Christians living in Pakistan. Moreover, once again it proves that ‘Blasphemy Law’ passed in the era of Late Gen. Zia UlHaq was to provide an other weapon in the hands of majority to suppress minorities in Pakistan. It is a simple fact of a common sense that any person belonging to minorities cannot dare to offend Muslim masses. Therefore, it needs your bold and courageous step to repeal immediately the ‘Blasphemy Law’ from constitution. This law can be used any time against Christians to kill them and take their properties. It happened in the past and it shall continue to happen if these discriminatory laws are not annulled immediately. In addition to it, Judges are always under pressure to sentence accused as per their wishes. Therefore, judges are forced to sentence accused Christians even they are found not guilty in the light of their cases. Secondly Christians demand that rapist Mr. Abid Hussain must be hung in public. Any sentence short of this would be considered an eyewash and injustice to humanity. Faithful, loyal, and sincere to State of Pakistan Christians look to you for immediate action bringing culprit to book giving him an exemplary and unprecedented sentence in wake of his heinous and shameful crime. Undoubtedly, poor Christian couple needs every kind of assistance security, and protection from rapist’s relatives and friends. I am sure that you shall make it possible that Neha’s parents get free access to court and they are able to tell their story without fear and intimidation. Your immediate action shall be much appreciated.

Yours faithfully,
Rev. Dr. Rashid Gill,

cc : Honourable Prime of Pakistan, Islamabad, Pakistan
Consul General, Pakistani Consulate, Toronto, Canada
International Media.

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