All Palestinian refugees will be rehabilitated in Israel-Palestine with lead of Indian Muslims. By Hem Raj Jain


Sub:- Golden opportunity for Indian Muslims to serve Islam and global-human-rights (including their own human rights in India)
Indian Muslims by taking lead for consolidation of Muslims all over the world will not only bring succor to millions of beleaguered Palestinians and will solve gory & chronic Israel / Palestinian problem once and for all but will also bring honor, credibility, respect and clout to Indian Muslims who have been treated as second class citizens (as explained) in Hindu majority India especially since Ayodhya dispute.
Even if it is not mentioned that (1)- Communal Hindu majority India did not retrieve Muslim PoK militarily for solving chronic & gory Kashmir problem and instead security forces of India are showing ‘bravery’ by training guns at the civilians of J&K (mainly against Muslim Kashmiris) under the protection of AFSPA, SPA etc. (on the contrary much smaller Pakistan tried to take Kashmir many times and is still trying through proxy war) and (2)- Hindu India (which is in overwhelming majority in India and does not want to live with Muslims) did not assimilate Muslim Bangladesh back in India in 1971 despite two nation theory based on religion (the cause of India’s partition in 1947) was demolished when Muslim East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) parted from Muslim West Pakistan (now Pakistan) in 1971
What to talk of other organs of Indian State even the apex court, the Supreme Court of India (SCI) of ‘so-called secular India’ is not restoring the status-quo-ante of Babri-Mosque at Ayodhya [before deciding any civil suit / appeal / proceeding in any court of India (including in SCI) which is related to said Ayodhya dispute] though it was demolished by Hindutva forces on December 6, 1992 in presence of the observer of SCI (itself an aggrieved party to initiate contempt proceedings). Because despite court’s order to maintain status-quo of Babri-Mosque, it was demolished with the complicity of constitutional authorities of the executive organ of Indian State & other public servants thus apex court has been committing criminal contempt [for lowering the authority of court under section 2 ( C) (i) read with section 15 & 16 of the Contempt of Court Act] by not restoring status-quo-ante of Babri-Mosque. This has emboldened communal Hindutva forces to the extent that they butchered thousands of Muslims post Babri-Mosque demolition including in 192-93 Mumbai and 2002 Gujarat (with some counter reactions from Muslims too) despite section 129, 130 and 131 of CrPC (without punishing any officer of security & armed forces for their dereliction of duty about stopping the riots) and are still discriminating against & harassing Muslims all over India by taking advantage of rabidly communal Hindutva forces which have come to power (due to said embolden) in many States and Union of India.
Therefore Indian Muslims not for any altruistic motive but for their own survival with honor & dignity (which is otherwise bound to come under increasing threat in present medieval-communal mindset of Hindu majority India) will endeavor to cooperate (with other HRNGOs & authorities of the world) in organizing (with the help of secular Indian non-Muslims) peaceful-march to Jerusalem [total of ~ 1 million volunteers and ~ 1 million refugees (preferably all the ~ 4 million Palestinian refugees) as mentioned below]:- OR

This peaceful march of ~ 1million volunteers to Jerusalem in the interest of rehabilitating ~ 4 million Palestinian refugees (who are citizens of Israel-Palestine) in Israel-Palestine will ultimately pave the way for International political parties (IPPs) registered at UN without which [in addition to (i)- Global currency with proper asset back-up with its central bank at UN and its branches in all the UN member country and (ii)- Mandatory Protocol MP-1 in place of Optional Protocol OP-1 of ICCPR where every citizen of member country will be able to move UN for protecting his / her human rights against erring member country] -
-The highly desirable and inevitable (due to unprecedented advance in Science & technology during last ~ five centuries including IT revolution) globalization in the interest of global human rights, is impossible.

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