Trump’s failure to harness State Dept for Indo-Pacific initiative, the cause of toothless valid criticism of CPEC by Wells. By Hem Raj Jain


The media of Pakistan (print and electronic) is full of reports and discussions over criticism of CPEC by Ambassador Alice Wells, the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia at the U.S. Department of State as mentioned at  where Pakistanis are rightly saying that they do not want grants as a beggar country rather as a self-respecting country will prefer loans (at minimal interest rate).

This criticism of CPEC by Wells is valid but toothless & incomprehensive and if Wells is really interested in solving the problems about CPEC (which she has narrated during this conversation at Wilson Centre) then Wells / State Department / Trump Administration should do the following: -

(1)- First and foremost the USA should understand that the Western Civilization (Europe and the USA, which originated from Europe) has unparalleled lead in Science (Technology) faculty (due to its advance in last ~ 500 years) and rest of the world including Islamic, Chines, Hindu civilizations respect West for it and are even grateful for it. But other two faculties namely Commerce and Arts (political science) the other civilizations have also been practicing for ages and they also know about these faculties almost equally as Western civilization does. Therefore, regarding business and politics the USA should respectfully listen to the views and concerns of others too.

(2)- The second most important point the USA should understand is that these problems about CPEC is the result of the inability of the USA to realize that (i)- Prez Trump has failed to harness the US State Dept for Indo-Pacific initiative (ii)- In this age of unprecedented advance in Science & technology (especially in IT Sector) whether some people in the USA (including Prez Trump) like it or not the globalization is inevitable (iii)- The peace and harmony in any country is the sine-quo-non for economic and social development of the country (iv)- Without global currency globalization is impossible (v)- The theory of Adam Smith (the father of modern Economics, which the USA claims to follow) as propounded in “The Wealth of Nations” is still valid that competitive advantage & free market are the best way of economic progress.

(3)- In order to eliminate the above-mentioned deficiencies in its policy the USA should do the following: (i)- Provide teeth to Paris Club (even with the help of IMF, World Bank, FATF etc) in order to support globally recognized transparent lending practices.  In case of CPEC the Government of Pakistan may be asked to issue a white-paper about details of source and schedule of servicing the debt taken for CPEC so that the people of Pakistan can easily understand the whole matter in the interest of protecting the economical and sovereign interest of Pakistan.

(ii)- Work for making mandatory in every member of UN that they will not incur public debt beyond the consolidated funds of the governments (as enshrined in India under Article 292 & 293 of the Constitution without unconstitutional FRBM).

(iii)- Work for making Dollar the de-jure (and not merely de-facto) global currency with proper asset back-up with its central bank in USA and its branches in every member country of UN.

(iv)- Work for making global convention (if not UN international law) for allowing about (say) 15 % employees of native country (permissible in any country) in the service of a company of another country. This will solve the problem of unemployment of the people of the USA (This policy will facilitate the USA in adopting globalization instead of protectionism which the USA is presently practicing and which is harmful for the USA in the long run).

(v)- Work for the realization of ‘United States of Federal Secular Democratic Indo-Pacific’ (USFSDIP) in second stage through the first stage of the realization of SAARC (starting from unification of Secular Democratic Federal India, united-J&K and Afghanistan) as given below: -

(A)- The USA should work for plebiscite in united J&K after getting it outsiders free. This united-J&K, if votes for independence, then can become 9th member of SAARC.

(B)- The USA should persuade India for preparing ‘National Register for Citizens’ (irrespective of religion) for entire India  in order to identify about 40 million illegal immigrants in India mainly from Bangladesh [the USA should not think that when it has (in utter violation to rule-of-law) allowed millions of illegal immigrants in the USA then why it should take interest in solving the problem of illegal immigrants in other countries]

(C)- Work for making UN laws / mechanism where UNHRC can intervene in the proceeding of Courts of erring countries which violate human rights (as enshrined in ICCPR of UN) as mentioned at and

(D)- The USA should realize that the bullying by China in Indo-Pacific region (as mentioned also by Wells, in Maldives, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Central Asian Countries etc) can be countered effectively only by USFSDIP. Moreover given the past experience in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar (with Rohingya problem) etc the communal peace and harmony can be achieved in this region only when the population of Muslims and non-Muslims are almost equal in numbers in the region of USFSDIP.

(E)- Unlike Indo-Pak dispute (which is political) on united-J&K, the Indo-China dispute is legal. Hence the USA should persuade India to request UN to resolve Indo-China border dispute through ‘UN Judicial Commission’ (which China cannot refuse being a permanent member of UN). This will make China without any legitimate complaint against India, especially while India will take lead for realizing USFSDIP.

(F)- The USA (Trump) should clear its confusion about Capitalism and should understand that the State-capital also can be rather should be deployed profitably like private-capital. If USA does not like State-capital, then why it incurred public debt of trillions of dollars? It is a different matter that public debts (born out of fiscal deficit) and other forms of State-capital are not deployed by politicians profitably which even dismembered USSR. Rather the USA should honor the sanctity of Capital (it may be private-capital as well as State-capital).

(G)- The USA should persuade India (also under UN Convention against Corruption) to recover Rs ~ 1,000 Trillion  (~ $ 15 Trillion) as Income Tax from about one million Tax evaders (as mentioned at ) This huge State-capital not only will be used for solving economic problems of India but will also go a long way in motivating other countries to join USFSDIP under the leadership of India.

(4)- After taking above-mentioned measures, the USA should ask its companies to participate in CPEC, enthusiastically.

It is hoped, Alice Wells will take the problem of CPEC seriously & comprehensively and will mobilize US State Department and Trump-Administration, as mentioned above, to solve this problem effectively through USFSDIP.

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