If Trump delays to constrain Modi for plebiscite in United-J&K, will be too late for India & Indo-Pacific US-initiative. By Hem Raj Jain


The situation in Asia (minus China) is fast emerging which is not surprising given the fact that majority of people in this region are suffering economically (being below or little above poverty line) and Muslims from Myanmar to Kashmir-AF-PAK to NAME region are weeping and bleeding profusely. Therefore, something unusual must be done for solving these problems. In order to overcomes these problems for at-least Muslims of this region the Kuala Lumpur (KL) Summit was organized last week which was sabotaged by Saudi Arabia (SaAr) & UAE by pressurizing Pakistan to skip this KL Summit as mentioned at  https://www.pakistanchristianpost.com/opinion-details/3514 .

 Because Turkey spilled the beans for SaAr & UAE by making their said pressure on Pakistan public, the foreign Minister of SaAr had to come to Pakistan on December 26 (Minister of UAE also had to come to Pakistan on December 27) for damage control where SaAr has agreed to summon the meeting of OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) mainly to raise the issue of Kashmir (in order to placate Pakistan) as mentioned at https://www.dawn.com/news/1524607/riyadh-plans-oic-fms-meeting-on-kashmir

 President Trump and PM Modi are living in their make believe world as they seem to think that Pakistan will not go to any extent to exploit this situation where it can easily make all the Muslim countries of OIC to do everything to pressurize India for victory of Pakistan over Kashmir issue (including by sanctions even for petroleum oil where India is fatally / crucially dependent on imports, especially when India imports ~ 84 % of its oil requirements mainly from Muslim Countries as reported at https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/energy/oil-gas/indias-oil-import-dependence-jumps-to-84-pc/articleshow/69183923.cms?from=mdr) .

 Prez Trump is not trying to understand that: -

 (1)- As mentioned above the Muslims are suffering for a long time and they are finding it difficult to solve their problems singlehandedly hence association of many Muslims countries (in any form) is presently the ardent desire / need of these Muslim countries.

 (2)- One such association of many Muslims countries is ‘United States of Federal Secular Democratic Riyasat-e-Madina’ (USFSDReM) of all the Muslim countries as mentioned in said PCP Article 3514 but there are many hurdles in realizing this Riyasat-e-Madina. Moreover, USFSDReM being an organization of only Muslim countries may lead to further global Jihadi terrorism & unnecessary wars (given the past record of many of the Muslim Countries).

 (3)- Another such association of many geographically contagious Muslims countries is Indo-Pacific (rather Eastern Asia) US- initiative which Trump himself supports [for the region in which about 65 % of the World’s Muslim (both Shia & Sunni) population resides in Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Maldives,  Afghanistan and Iran] as generally mentioned at https://www.pakistanchristianpost.com/opinion-details/3495 . Moreover, in this Indo-Pacific (rather Eastern Asia) US- initiative the population of Muslims and non-Muslims (including Hindus) will almost be equal in numbers which is the best guarantee for secularism-based peace in this region (given the fact that Muslims and Hindus are incapable of running secular democracy with peace & harmony, especially when either of them is in dominant-majority).

(4)- If Trump does not constrain Modi to go for plebiscite in United J&K (as generally mentioned at https://www.alwihdainfo.com/Kashmiris-should-protest-at-Jantar-Mantar-against-President-about-Article-143-1-for-restoring-their-human-rights_a77642.html ) then it will be too late and: -

 (i)- Not only the USA will go down in history as the country who’s strategic partner Pakistan first faced dismemberment in 1971 (when Bangladesh came into existence) and then India (presently another strategic ally of the USA) will face dismemberment through J&K (if said Indo-Pacific / East Asia US-initiative  is not realized by Trump before the fall-out of said OIC summit).

 (ii)- But the said dismemberment of India (if not stopped by Trump) will also trigger such an explosive situation (including bloodbath) in this region that the entire pacific policy of the so-called leader of the free-world the USA will be a huge flop.

 Therefore, Prez Trump, without any further delay, should constrain PM Modi to immediately declare that India will ensure plebiscite (as mandated by ‘Instrument of Accession’ of 1947 of United-J&K to India and also as per UN Resolution 1948 on J&K) by ensuring that the Pakistan side of J&K too is cleared of outsiders.

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