'New horizon for mankind' expects debate on global issues during 2020 US-President election campaign. By Hem Raj Jain


The present age of modern science & technology is globally shaping the lives of the people at grinding speed. Only few could have imagined after World War II that the economic, political, social and religious fields / institutions across the world would go such profound and fundamental change especially in the wake of IT revolution (Computers, TV, Mobiles etc). The progress of science & technology cannot be and should not be stopped hence in another few decades with coming changes in science & technology [especially in artificial intelligence (AI), thinking machines (TM), robotics (RT) etc] the following is bound to happen: -

(1)- Space and some planets are going to be inalienable part of human life which will require human beings to behave as a single community and different countries would only be a political arrangement of global world order to provide peace, prosperity and freedom to every human being on earth and in space and in planets.

(2)- With said coming unprecedented advance in efficiency (due to AI, TM and RT etc) very few people will be able to produce enough for entire mankind hence all the human beings of working age would not get traditional / conventional employment  and new economic activists would be introduced but many are bound to remain unemployed / underemployed who will be given stamps in order to protect their economic freedom without which democracy has no meaning.

(3)- This ‘new horizon for mankind’ will require secular democracy in all the countries because modern-science & technology came into existence in West only with hundred years of religious war in Europe (from 16th to 18th century) which brought separation of State (dealing with this-worldly matters) and religion (dealing with other-worldly matters). All religions came before modern democracy of universal adult franchise hence the values of modern democracy and all the religions are in conflict. Presently every human being is important (hence universal adult franchise) because in this age of modern-science & technology (which has brought unprecedented power, prosperity and even comparative peace to entire mankind) every human being (he/she) has a potential to contribute in some way in some science (material or life or social).

(4)- The past record since World War II (when the USA took initiative to run the global political order through ‘United Nations’ in which the USA has succeeded at least to the extent that it has been able to avoid World War III which ‘League of Nations’  could not do after World War I hence World War II happened) is evidence of the fact that remaining (no-Christian world) will be able to practice genuine secular democracy only when Christian West (led by the USA) constrain the remaining world politically (directly or through UN)

(5)- There are four major human groups namely Christians (including unaffiliated), Muslims, Chines and Hindus. The Chinese (~ 18 % of world population does not have democracy but does not practice communal politics) will come in mainstream of secular democracy in due course of time. As far Christians they already have secular democracy whereas Hindu majority India is constitutionally secular, but its secularism has been compromised lately. As far Muslims they are trying to adopt democracy slowly while secularism is practically absent in most of the Muslim world.

(6)- The economic freedom and the personal safety and security of the entire mankind will be the burden of said world-order (through UN after making certain amendments in its constitution like removal of veto power to only 5 nations etc and intervention of UN in case erring member countries grossly deny human rights to their citizens). Hence the USA, the leader of free world, will have to take lead in constraining those countries who are not practicing human rights friendly genuine secular democracy.

 (7)- The secular democracy in rest of the world can be brought in two stages. In first stage Hindus and ~ 65 % Muslims can be brought under one political entity of Eastern Asia as mentioned at -http://wadikinews.com/if-trump-delays-to-constrain-modi-for-plebiscite-in-united-jk-will-be-too-late-for-india-indo-pacific-us-initiative/   or http://www.pakistanchristianpost.com/opinion-details/3515

(8)- It is important to include Iran in this political entity (of Eastern Asia) because it is creating huge tension between the USA (and its allies) and Iran (and its allies and supporters) due to Iran’s alleged role (as per the USA) in nuclear proliferation and gory problems in NAME region including in Syria and Yemen.

(9)- India is best suited for taking the lead for realizing political entity of Indo-Pacific (rather Eastern Asia) region because NOT ONLY India is a constitutionally uninterrupted secular democracy of ~ 1.36 billion people and English / Urdu (Hindi / its variants+ mostly Persian) is understood in most of it BUT ALSO  India can bring prosperity to this region (with economical participation / cooperation of USA) by deploying profitably the State-capital of Rs ~ 1,000 Trillion ($ ~ 50 Trillion as per PPP or $ ~ 15 Trillion as per exchange rate) which is recoverable from ~ one million tax-evaders as mentioned at -https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/india-business/Prominent-people-hiding-taxable-income-Jaitley/articleshow/51408323.cms

(10)- In second stage rest of the Muslim world and China can be made to come in the mainstream of secular democracy.

Therefore, during campaign of 2020 US-President election the people not only in the USA but even globally should debate above mentioned issues rigorously, so that the said ‘new horizon for mankind’ can be realized smoothly.

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