The Palestinians instead of getting wasted in martyrdom syndrome should take mercy at least on their long suffering old people, women an
Persecuted Christian families in Pakistan need your support. By Rt. Rev. Farhad Bhatti

I want to encourage you all to speak the truth to save lives. May all not feel helpless and hopeless. May God do Justice with families. I always trust God. I always write for all human rights. All are not bad even though all are not good also after keeping studies of cases, analysis, conclusion of peace worker's cases, Asylum seekers, refugees’ cases, discrimination, forced conversion, forced marriages, minor girls forced marriages and minorities discriminations' cases. An individual thinks according to his ability, level of knowledge, level of education, formation and commitment.
Messiah Jesus Christ came to save this world but the world crucified Messiah Jesus Christ. Then who am I humble to serve humanity? Who are we? Who cannot be under the plots of an evil planner? Experts of discrimination creator to confuse plan of salvation for the humanity. I did not live a materialistic life in Pakistan till today but lived for peace and betterment of humanity according to my faith in Christ.
I have been serving grieved humanity as a peace maker for the peace since 2002 in Pakistan to eradicate hatred among religions and even as a humble voluntary researcher missionary to encourage Pakistani Christian Asylum seekers in Thailand and Malaysia since 2015 on self- help basic to walk by faith in God' promises of Holy Bible but not as sophisticated Clergy according to position through proper projects. Even now due to threats to my life, I have been an Asylum seeker here in Malaysia since 2018.
Now they have focused on my family in Pakistan to blackmail me through my parents' insecurity. Is it a reward of my simplicity and trust for the peace of humanity among different kinds of denominations and sects of religions by the Pakistani system? This Pakistani system prevails among all Pakistanis all over world except faithful and dutiful. To play over lives of innocents is not a joke but it is a bonded slaves stream lines, human trafficking and sex slavery. I ask the mercy and grace of God to save all of us and the lives of the poorest families in Pakistan.
Those experts who creates discrimination for minorities, hatred among religions' faith, jeopardy of political parties. They intentionally stop the truth. Unfortunately, I am also under their plan to call back Pakistan from UNHCR. Because they did plan till Malaysia or to kill me here to snatch our all belongings in their plots. I really love to work for the peace of humanity according to my faith in Christ. Even though I also grew up among criminals, but now I am old, I have no energy to take more risks in their political plans because they are extremists. I have Just Jesus Christ Messiah in my life. If they will be successful in turning me back to Pakistan from UNHCR. You can imagine, they can make good as evil and evil as good according to their desires as written in the Book of Isaiah 5: 20 for End time. Then they can create any kind of plot against me. As they already did the plot of snatching our property from our old parents' house. Is it not brutality and injustice with faithful’ trust who never live for materialistic life but served humanity as voluntary?
May God help to save old parents' families, children, girls and Christian' families in Pakistan from evil planners according to His supernatural promises of the Holy Bible with the faithful. May God make a way for me to come out of UNHCR Malaysia to the predestined safe country. I want to encourage desiring, persecuted, poorest families by writing, teaching, training morally, ethically, psychologically and spiritually. When I am safe. My priorities had been changed according to my maturity of age by studying cases and maturity of practical experiences for the peace and betterment of humanity. Because I am now old and I cannot take more risk of lives among criminals. I need support for the peace of mind to finish my books that I have started. Now I may be more fruitful on the higher level of Clergy work according to my position. I may not start taking risks of life threats again in old age. I ask God’ help of sponsorship for myself and my parents in Pakistan. My old parents are also sick due to continual brutality and injustice by seeing the helplessness of their elder son who is a victim under scammers and extremists for almost 12 years. Even his wife died in grief. But scammers still want to snatch old parent's house in Pakistan with fraud. How I can start working among denominational and sects of religions’ experts who creates discrimination and disharmony for all.
My whole family had been hijacked by extremists in Pakistan through my elder brother Riaz who was friend with Muslim. Now the elder brother is not telling the truth for the sake of saving the lives of children, girls and old parents about life threats for the whole family. Extremists had been threatening for the last many years, they had been getting money from Christian brother named Riaz Masih in the shape of property business but it was a ransom of living in Pakistan, blackmailing and a scam of extremists. He is a very simple-hearted person who cannot read and write. May Pakistani authorities have mercy to do justice with poor Christian families in Pakistan.
Now extremists are blackmailing my elder brother to give more money Or an old parents' house. Even he never gets single penny from Muslim friends’ partnership business of property for last twelve years. Many Readers say that it is foolishness, yes, it is outwardly but to find out picture’ other side', he might try to save his family from scammers personally according to his simplicity. But he could not. Because they are not human but wolves and scammers. There is no property business in the whole world that cannot give any profit to partners even after twelve years. It is a total scam and blackmailing of tugs with simple heart Christian by threatening minority' lives.
But extremists have become worse. In fact, they want to snatch Christian' house with discriminated hatred and fraud. Old Parents have no money to give to the scammer extremists; Now they make fake guarantee papers to snatch Old Parents' houses. Christianity is only 1.6 % minority in Pakistan. They have given a time limit to Christian named Riaz Masih in Pakistan for two months. If Christian do not give them more money within two months otherwise extremists' groups will snatch Christian partner's old parents' house. One month is almost already spent. It is the brutality and injustice of extremists with the trust of simple-hearted Christians who cannot read and write. Our Christian families are so helpless and disturbed. Old parents are sick due to this stress and tension of their elder son. These kinds of crimes are a daily routine with Christian minority.
I am so upset to write this letter publicly to warn another Christian also with a heavy heart for humanity. I was trying to help others because I have no solution for these kinds of criminal mind extremists except asking God's help according to my faith in Christ who can do miracles for the helpless poorest families. Please support me to let authorities know about the miserable condition of persecuted Christian families. May I be more supportive for needy, persecuted Christian families in Pakistan and those leaderships who are attached with us. Please pray for old people, families, children and girls who are in the danger of evil planners.
Moral of this terrible story is to be reformer for coming Pakistan’ generations but not to be joker’s audience to make fun of poor minorities, do what you can do for the betterment and peace among all. God loves all. Don’t always find weakness in fellow human and fellow believers’ sects of religions or denominations. All are accountable to God. Everyone has failures and weaknesses. God has given life to be exemplary for each other, tolerate each other, show brotherly kindness and love each other. May the coming generations remember your good deeds. If you are in a position to help the poor, needy and desiring and be thankful to God, you are not helpless. If God has given you a seat to do justice, then do justice above religious biases.
I have seen landlords when they come out from their own countries, they have been ready to do any kind of lowest job for survival, follow the instruction of foreign countries with fear of arrest, follow job owners and managers who may be less educated and expert than employees. Foreigners had to obey them for survival. They become humble for other countries but they do not be humble in their own country, why? Due to ignorance, they just became fashioned caste, creed and religious system of Land lordship – “Chowdries” in home country. Why it is injustice with own country’ fellows. It is not love with own country but self -praise and self-ego.
Pakistan will be an exemplary developed country in the eyes of the world. Foreigner Countries will be interested to work in Pakistan by seeing peace in the country. If threats, groups of extremists will be growing as it is as it happened in Past. There will be religious extremists only. Pakistan will be the worst reputed country in the eyes of the world. There will be no more well-wishers’ minorities, As Turkey has only 0.02% Christianity now where Christianity was started. If everyone does his own duty according to his capacity and knowledge and never violates law, there will be justice and peace among all. Let dutiful spirit and positive thoughts grow for moral and character development in the societies rather than discrimination system, caste and creed system, it is racism. Think above jeopardy of faiths for Country’ betterment and accountability to God.
With humble heart, I request
Messiah Jesus Christ came to save this world but the world crucified Messiah Jesus Christ. Then who am I humble to serve humanity? Who are we? Who cannot be under the plots of an evil planner? Experts of discrimination creator to confuse plan of salvation for the humanity. I did not live a materialistic life in Pakistan till today but lived for peace and betterment of humanity according to my faith in Christ.
I have been serving grieved humanity as a peace maker for the peace since 2002 in Pakistan to eradicate hatred among religions and even as a humble voluntary researcher missionary to encourage Pakistani Christian Asylum seekers in Thailand and Malaysia since 2015 on self- help basic to walk by faith in God' promises of Holy Bible but not as sophisticated Clergy according to position through proper projects. Even now due to threats to my life, I have been an Asylum seeker here in Malaysia since 2018.
Now they have focused on my family in Pakistan to blackmail me through my parents' insecurity. Is it a reward of my simplicity and trust for the peace of humanity among different kinds of denominations and sects of religions by the Pakistani system? This Pakistani system prevails among all Pakistanis all over world except faithful and dutiful. To play over lives of innocents is not a joke but it is a bonded slaves stream lines, human trafficking and sex slavery. I ask the mercy and grace of God to save all of us and the lives of the poorest families in Pakistan.
Those experts who creates discrimination for minorities, hatred among religions' faith, jeopardy of political parties. They intentionally stop the truth. Unfortunately, I am also under their plan to call back Pakistan from UNHCR. Because they did plan till Malaysia or to kill me here to snatch our all belongings in their plots. I really love to work for the peace of humanity according to my faith in Christ. Even though I also grew up among criminals, but now I am old, I have no energy to take more risks in their political plans because they are extremists. I have Just Jesus Christ Messiah in my life. If they will be successful in turning me back to Pakistan from UNHCR. You can imagine, they can make good as evil and evil as good according to their desires as written in the Book of Isaiah 5: 20 for End time. Then they can create any kind of plot against me. As they already did the plot of snatching our property from our old parents' house. Is it not brutality and injustice with faithful’ trust who never live for materialistic life but served humanity as voluntary?
May God help to save old parents' families, children, girls and Christian' families in Pakistan from evil planners according to His supernatural promises of the Holy Bible with the faithful. May God make a way for me to come out of UNHCR Malaysia to the predestined safe country. I want to encourage desiring, persecuted, poorest families by writing, teaching, training morally, ethically, psychologically and spiritually. When I am safe. My priorities had been changed according to my maturity of age by studying cases and maturity of practical experiences for the peace and betterment of humanity. Because I am now old and I cannot take more risk of lives among criminals. I need support for the peace of mind to finish my books that I have started. Now I may be more fruitful on the higher level of Clergy work according to my position. I may not start taking risks of life threats again in old age. I ask God’ help of sponsorship for myself and my parents in Pakistan. My old parents are also sick due to continual brutality and injustice by seeing the helplessness of their elder son who is a victim under scammers and extremists for almost 12 years. Even his wife died in grief. But scammers still want to snatch old parent's house in Pakistan with fraud. How I can start working among denominational and sects of religions’ experts who creates discrimination and disharmony for all.
My whole family had been hijacked by extremists in Pakistan through my elder brother Riaz who was friend with Muslim. Now the elder brother is not telling the truth for the sake of saving the lives of children, girls and old parents about life threats for the whole family. Extremists had been threatening for the last many years, they had been getting money from Christian brother named Riaz Masih in the shape of property business but it was a ransom of living in Pakistan, blackmailing and a scam of extremists. He is a very simple-hearted person who cannot read and write. May Pakistani authorities have mercy to do justice with poor Christian families in Pakistan.
Now extremists are blackmailing my elder brother to give more money Or an old parents' house. Even he never gets single penny from Muslim friends’ partnership business of property for last twelve years. Many Readers say that it is foolishness, yes, it is outwardly but to find out picture’ other side', he might try to save his family from scammers personally according to his simplicity. But he could not. Because they are not human but wolves and scammers. There is no property business in the whole world that cannot give any profit to partners even after twelve years. It is a total scam and blackmailing of tugs with simple heart Christian by threatening minority' lives.
But extremists have become worse. In fact, they want to snatch Christian' house with discriminated hatred and fraud. Old Parents have no money to give to the scammer extremists; Now they make fake guarantee papers to snatch Old Parents' houses. Christianity is only 1.6 % minority in Pakistan. They have given a time limit to Christian named Riaz Masih in Pakistan for two months. If Christian do not give them more money within two months otherwise extremists' groups will snatch Christian partner's old parents' house. One month is almost already spent. It is the brutality and injustice of extremists with the trust of simple-hearted Christians who cannot read and write. Our Christian families are so helpless and disturbed. Old parents are sick due to this stress and tension of their elder son. These kinds of crimes are a daily routine with Christian minority.
I am so upset to write this letter publicly to warn another Christian also with a heavy heart for humanity. I was trying to help others because I have no solution for these kinds of criminal mind extremists except asking God's help according to my faith in Christ who can do miracles for the helpless poorest families. Please support me to let authorities know about the miserable condition of persecuted Christian families. May I be more supportive for needy, persecuted Christian families in Pakistan and those leaderships who are attached with us. Please pray for old people, families, children and girls who are in the danger of evil planners.
Moral of this terrible story is to be reformer for coming Pakistan’ generations but not to be joker’s audience to make fun of poor minorities, do what you can do for the betterment and peace among all. God loves all. Don’t always find weakness in fellow human and fellow believers’ sects of religions or denominations. All are accountable to God. Everyone has failures and weaknesses. God has given life to be exemplary for each other, tolerate each other, show brotherly kindness and love each other. May the coming generations remember your good deeds. If you are in a position to help the poor, needy and desiring and be thankful to God, you are not helpless. If God has given you a seat to do justice, then do justice above religious biases.
I have seen landlords when they come out from their own countries, they have been ready to do any kind of lowest job for survival, follow the instruction of foreign countries with fear of arrest, follow job owners and managers who may be less educated and expert than employees. Foreigners had to obey them for survival. They become humble for other countries but they do not be humble in their own country, why? Due to ignorance, they just became fashioned caste, creed and religious system of Land lordship – “Chowdries” in home country. Why it is injustice with own country’ fellows. It is not love with own country but self -praise and self-ego.
Pakistan will be an exemplary developed country in the eyes of the world. Foreigner Countries will be interested to work in Pakistan by seeing peace in the country. If threats, groups of extremists will be growing as it is as it happened in Past. There will be religious extremists only. Pakistan will be the worst reputed country in the eyes of the world. There will be no more well-wishers’ minorities, As Turkey has only 0.02% Christianity now where Christianity was started. If everyone does his own duty according to his capacity and knowledge and never violates law, there will be justice and peace among all. Let dutiful spirit and positive thoughts grow for moral and character development in the societies rather than discrimination system, caste and creed system, it is racism. Think above jeopardy of faiths for Country’ betterment and accountability to God.
With humble heart, I request
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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti
On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.