Are The Christians Kafir? By Stephen Bahadur


Like most of the Christians in Pakistan, my family also has its roots back in the rural area of the Punjab. My maternal family belongs to a small village of Multan where all my cousins are hardly running their families nevertheless they are filled with the passion to educate their children. They send their children to school, urge them to study whole-heartedly and become an asset not only for their parent but also for their beloved country.

About two weeks ago when my brother went there from Karachi. He asked the children about their studies and on enquiring he came to know about a very much condemnable incident. One of our nephew explained that he has just passed out the exams of CLASS VIII and promoted to CLASS IX and since there was no teacher for IKHLAQIAT over there who help him study this subject therefore when no option left he has to select ISLAMIAT as a compulsory subject.

He further explained that in his introductory period of ISLAMIAT, the teacher of ISLAMIAT came who seem to be the MOLVI of a Masjid. The first thing he said is that "JITNAY KAFIR BACHAY HEIN WO APNA HAATH OOPER UTHAIN". Our nephew said he did not raise his hand then his Muslim classmate asked him to raise his hand since he was Christian and Christians are considered as the KAFIR in Pakistan.

It was really heart breaking for that child, he came home and after explaining the whole story he asked his parent that he would not go to school from the next day. But later his parent convinced him to go to school. They suggested him to ignore such things, concentrate on your studies, be focused and composed do not let such people to divert you from your mission of becoming a successful, educated person of the society.

But how disgusting and shameful incident is this, I know many such incident has to face by our children in their schools everyday but all are not brought in to light. Since I became very much disturbed when I heard this incidents therefore I decided to write this incident to you to bring it to light that at what extent we are mistreated and discriminated in our own beloved country, Pakistan.

How long our children, brothers and sisters are discriminated because of their religion? How long we have to tolerate such derogatory words from our Muslim brothers? How long?

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