Prez TRump has put not only his political career but also the destiny of the USA at great risk by his cowardly & frivolous behaviour  
An open letter to Commander in Chief of Pakistan Armed Forces General Qamar Javed Bajwa and the Core Commanders Conference. Professor Yunis Khushi

Subject: Goondaism/Badmashi of State Institutions against people of Pakistan should be stopped and Pakistan should be saved from becoming a Failed State
Honourable Generals,
Greetings from Lahore!
The undersigned is a Lahore based sociologist. I would like to draw your attention to the following issues:
A. Issues and Problems:
1. Life has been made extremely miserable for the people of Pakistan.
2. Politicians and bureaucracy are mainly responsible for creating these problems for the people of Pakistan.
3. The major problems of people are: ever growing inflation on weakly basis, unemployment, street crimes, insecurity to life, honour/dignity and property, extremism and intolerance, law and order and several others.
4. A recent problem has been added to the long list of problems which is of growing goondaism/badmashi of secret agencies like Intelligence Bureau against life and dignity of people. Recent incidents are torture of two journalists.
5. In the past it was mainly police which was troubling the people often unnecessarily.
6. Only those who have money to buy police, lawyers, judges and government officials can survive in Pakistani society.
7. Elected governments have never been interested in improving situation and making life easy and respectable for common people.
8. This is so because for most politicians, politics is a business, a way to grab power and become super rich.
9. They neither have the capacity/ abilities, nor intention to resolve issues and problems faced by people of Pakistan.
10. They have corrupted every state institution for their vested interests.
11. They are misusing all the state institutions for their personal benefits and to cover up their crimes, loot and corruption.
12. Every political party is worse than the others.
13. System has been corrupted so much by them that even an angel cannot rule Pakistan and correct things.
14. Every state institution is working against the people of Pakistan.
15. Parliamentarians are drawing huge salaries and benefits but they do not work for correcting things and improving situation of the people.
16. The only time they come together to work is when they have to increase their salaries and benefits. Rest of the time they bark at their opponents.
17. It is a pity that people of Pakistan are spending RS.32 billion on politicians who are working to keep Pakistanis poor and backward.
18. There is no authority or institution to question them as to why don’t they work to improve system despite drawing huge salaries and benefits.
19. Rich business and feudal classes do not pay taxes and poor are being grilled for taxes through inflation.
20. Judiciary and Police are only protecting influential criminals and poor are denied justice and are persecuted for years in baseless and fake cases.
21. Rich criminals are enjoying life in jails or in hospitals on fake letters from doctors and poor people have to spend their lives in jails due to minor and petty crimes and fake cases.
22. Jails have become centres of crime and hardened criminals and terrorists continue to operate from there.
23. Situation of religious minorities is even worse. Crimes against them are not even reported by media and police, politicians, judiciary and bureaucracy sides with the Muslim criminal. Crimes against minorities by a Muslim is seen as a service to Islam.
24. Many years ago, a poor sweeper Latif Masih had stolen RS.430/-from Lahore District Courts to pay fees of his children and police had almost beaten him to death, but this system which is full of corrupt officials cannot get the looted trillions from influential politicians.
25. This is because the corrupt system has many lawyers, police officials, judges and bureaucrats, who are working as pimps of influential politicians and criminals.
26. In our society, the one who steals a loaf of bread is a criminal, but who steals billions and trillions is a leader and VIP.
27. WAPDA is another headache for poor people. A person uses electricity of 300 rupees but has to pay 2000 rupees due to fuel adjustment charges.
28. Then WAPDA employees are in a hurry of disconnecting the electricity of poor people who do not have money to pay a bill of few hundred rupees because then people have to pay bribe of a couple of thousands rupees to get their meters reinstalled.
29. Often people are overcharged. In one case the original bill of a poor carpenter was rupees 7000 and he was sent a bill of RS.87000/-
30. Many people have committed suicide due to overbilling by WAPDA.
31. Sir, I am afraid with such situations states do not survive and stay integrated for long.
32. According to Hazrat Ali Karam Allah Wajhu, a society can be run with a system of kufar but societies do not continue and survive under systems of injustices. (Please forgive me if I have not translated the saying correctly).
33. Sir, drastic steps are urgently needed to save Pakistan from becoming a completely failed state.
34. I am not suggesting that you should impose Martial Law. That will be a blunder. Politicians should not be given a free hand to loot the country, they should be corrected with proper checks and balances and governments should not be over thrown.
35. Armed Forces should also not act as silent by standards and leave people of Pakistan at the mercy of corrupt politicians and bureaucracy.
36. If armed forces continue to be silent observers then people of Pakistan will become fed up with the Armed forces as well.
37. If Army does not wake up to correct things, then I am afraid that things will get completely out of hands and Pakistan will become a completely failed state. I want to remind you an incident of the days of Hazrat Omer Farooq Razi Allah Unhu. During his reign, Syria was a Christian country, ruled by a Christian king who was very cruel and unjust with his people. People of Syria were extremely fed up with their king. The Bishop of Syria wrote a letter to Hazrat Omer Razi Allah Unhu that he should attack Syria to rid the people of Syria of their cruel king. Hazrat Omar Razi Allah Unhu arrived at the gates of Syria with his army, where Bishop was waiting for him with his dignitaries. The Bishop offered a bag full of money to Hazrat Omar Razi Allah Unhu and said this was the fee for attack and liberating Syrian people from their cruel king. Hazrat Omar Razi Allah Unhu refused to accept the bag and said, “I will take this money only after liberating you from the cruel king”.
38. Sir, when injustice and cruelties on people reach their height, then people pray for wrath of Allah. I pray to Allah that things do not reach that stage in our case.
B. Recommendations:
Sir, here are some of my humble suggestions:
1. Major changes should be suggested to Imran Khan to make in his Cabinet and some experts in the fields of social development, who understand the ground realities and problems of Pakistani people, be included in the Cabinet. These persons should not have any party affiliations.
2. A mechanism should be developed to cleanse the judiciary from corrupt judges, legal profession from corrupt lawyers who mislead courts and prove rapists and murderers as innocent, bureaucracy from corrupt officials and police department from corrupt and criminal minded police officials.
3. Lawyers, judges, police officials and government officials who support and cover corruption and crimes of criminals should be removed from their jobs and severely punished.
4. Licenses of such lawyers should be cancelled who are habitual of telling lies and misleading the courts.
5. State should be run with taxes from rich people and not by increasing inflation and borrowing loans from IMF and World Bank.
6. Harsh steps should be taken to recover looted national wealth.
7. Tax evaders and elements responsible for increasing inflation should be severely punished.
8. Parliamentarians involved in corruption, crimes and human rights violations should be removed from their seats even before the end of the term of the assemblies.
Sir, I hope you will pay attention to my humble submissions.
With best wishes and Regards, I remain,
ours Sincerely,
Professor Yunis Khushi,
Nishtar Colony, Ferozpur Road, Lahore
Email address:
Honourable Generals,
Greetings from Lahore!
The undersigned is a Lahore based sociologist. I would like to draw your attention to the following issues:
A. Issues and Problems:
1. Life has been made extremely miserable for the people of Pakistan.
2. Politicians and bureaucracy are mainly responsible for creating these problems for the people of Pakistan.
3. The major problems of people are: ever growing inflation on weakly basis, unemployment, street crimes, insecurity to life, honour/dignity and property, extremism and intolerance, law and order and several others.
4. A recent problem has been added to the long list of problems which is of growing goondaism/badmashi of secret agencies like Intelligence Bureau against life and dignity of people. Recent incidents are torture of two journalists.
5. In the past it was mainly police which was troubling the people often unnecessarily.
6. Only those who have money to buy police, lawyers, judges and government officials can survive in Pakistani society.
7. Elected governments have never been interested in improving situation and making life easy and respectable for common people.
8. This is so because for most politicians, politics is a business, a way to grab power and become super rich.
9. They neither have the capacity/ abilities, nor intention to resolve issues and problems faced by people of Pakistan.
10. They have corrupted every state institution for their vested interests.
11. They are misusing all the state institutions for their personal benefits and to cover up their crimes, loot and corruption.
12. Every political party is worse than the others.
13. System has been corrupted so much by them that even an angel cannot rule Pakistan and correct things.
14. Every state institution is working against the people of Pakistan.
15. Parliamentarians are drawing huge salaries and benefits but they do not work for correcting things and improving situation of the people.
16. The only time they come together to work is when they have to increase their salaries and benefits. Rest of the time they bark at their opponents.
17. It is a pity that people of Pakistan are spending RS.32 billion on politicians who are working to keep Pakistanis poor and backward.
18. There is no authority or institution to question them as to why don’t they work to improve system despite drawing huge salaries and benefits.
19. Rich business and feudal classes do not pay taxes and poor are being grilled for taxes through inflation.
20. Judiciary and Police are only protecting influential criminals and poor are denied justice and are persecuted for years in baseless and fake cases.
21. Rich criminals are enjoying life in jails or in hospitals on fake letters from doctors and poor people have to spend their lives in jails due to minor and petty crimes and fake cases.
22. Jails have become centres of crime and hardened criminals and terrorists continue to operate from there.
23. Situation of religious minorities is even worse. Crimes against them are not even reported by media and police, politicians, judiciary and bureaucracy sides with the Muslim criminal. Crimes against minorities by a Muslim is seen as a service to Islam.
24. Many years ago, a poor sweeper Latif Masih had stolen RS.430/-from Lahore District Courts to pay fees of his children and police had almost beaten him to death, but this system which is full of corrupt officials cannot get the looted trillions from influential politicians.
25. This is because the corrupt system has many lawyers, police officials, judges and bureaucrats, who are working as pimps of influential politicians and criminals.
26. In our society, the one who steals a loaf of bread is a criminal, but who steals billions and trillions is a leader and VIP.
27. WAPDA is another headache for poor people. A person uses electricity of 300 rupees but has to pay 2000 rupees due to fuel adjustment charges.
28. Then WAPDA employees are in a hurry of disconnecting the electricity of poor people who do not have money to pay a bill of few hundred rupees because then people have to pay bribe of a couple of thousands rupees to get their meters reinstalled.
29. Often people are overcharged. In one case the original bill of a poor carpenter was rupees 7000 and he was sent a bill of RS.87000/-
30. Many people have committed suicide due to overbilling by WAPDA.
31. Sir, I am afraid with such situations states do not survive and stay integrated for long.
32. According to Hazrat Ali Karam Allah Wajhu, a society can be run with a system of kufar but societies do not continue and survive under systems of injustices. (Please forgive me if I have not translated the saying correctly).
33. Sir, drastic steps are urgently needed to save Pakistan from becoming a completely failed state.
34. I am not suggesting that you should impose Martial Law. That will be a blunder. Politicians should not be given a free hand to loot the country, they should be corrected with proper checks and balances and governments should not be over thrown.
35. Armed Forces should also not act as silent by standards and leave people of Pakistan at the mercy of corrupt politicians and bureaucracy.
36. If armed forces continue to be silent observers then people of Pakistan will become fed up with the Armed forces as well.
37. If Army does not wake up to correct things, then I am afraid that things will get completely out of hands and Pakistan will become a completely failed state. I want to remind you an incident of the days of Hazrat Omer Farooq Razi Allah Unhu. During his reign, Syria was a Christian country, ruled by a Christian king who was very cruel and unjust with his people. People of Syria were extremely fed up with their king. The Bishop of Syria wrote a letter to Hazrat Omer Razi Allah Unhu that he should attack Syria to rid the people of Syria of their cruel king. Hazrat Omar Razi Allah Unhu arrived at the gates of Syria with his army, where Bishop was waiting for him with his dignitaries. The Bishop offered a bag full of money to Hazrat Omar Razi Allah Unhu and said this was the fee for attack and liberating Syrian people from their cruel king. Hazrat Omar Razi Allah Unhu refused to accept the bag and said, “I will take this money only after liberating you from the cruel king”.
38. Sir, when injustice and cruelties on people reach their height, then people pray for wrath of Allah. I pray to Allah that things do not reach that stage in our case.
B. Recommendations:
Sir, here are some of my humble suggestions:
1. Major changes should be suggested to Imran Khan to make in his Cabinet and some experts in the fields of social development, who understand the ground realities and problems of Pakistani people, be included in the Cabinet. These persons should not have any party affiliations.
2. A mechanism should be developed to cleanse the judiciary from corrupt judges, legal profession from corrupt lawyers who mislead courts and prove rapists and murderers as innocent, bureaucracy from corrupt officials and police department from corrupt and criminal minded police officials.
3. Lawyers, judges, police officials and government officials who support and cover corruption and crimes of criminals should be removed from their jobs and severely punished.
4. Licenses of such lawyers should be cancelled who are habitual of telling lies and misleading the courts.
5. State should be run with taxes from rich people and not by increasing inflation and borrowing loans from IMF and World Bank.
6. Harsh steps should be taken to recover looted national wealth.
7. Tax evaders and elements responsible for increasing inflation should be severely punished.
8. Parliamentarians involved in corruption, crimes and human rights violations should be removed from their seats even before the end of the term of the assemblies.
Sir, I hope you will pay attention to my humble submissions.
With best wishes and Regards, I remain,
ours Sincerely,
Professor Yunis Khushi,
Nishtar Colony, Ferozpur Road, Lahore
Email address:
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