War in Ukraine will ultimately be decided on Relegio-Ethnic divide of two coexisting West & East empires headed by Christian USA & Russia. By Hem Raj Jain


Mankind has always needed political rulers. Even in the 4th century B.C. Chanakya / Kotilya (the most celebrated Indian political thinker), mentioned in his famous book ‘Arthshashtra’ that one should not live where there is no king. In the future too mankind will need rulers. Since the end of World War II, the USA has been the ruler of the world through the UN at US-soil (which recognized / created 193 countries and more or less provided them with territorial stability and even comparative peace). In every political arrangement (whether democracy or monarchy) only the Ruler / State has monopoly of sanctioned physical coercion hence only the ruler / State has the monopoly right (as per law) to punish the people (for crimes etc) and even to kill the people (for sedition, armed uprising, de-stabilizing activities etc). 

The role of religion is also important which is the custodian of the values of the society (this is the way religion keeps itself up-dated). This role of religion does not disappear even in secular political arrangement; the only difference is that in secular countries, religion leaves this-worldly matters to the State while remaining mainly concerned with other-worldly matters. Such secularism didn’t come easily to the West, rather it came through prolonged war of religion (especially in the 17th century) Europe which constrained its Christianity to accept such secularism (other countries of the West like the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc are inheritors of this European culture of secularism) that is the reason non-Christian countries are finding it difficult to practice de-facto secularism (India is the fittest example which is de-jure secular but de-facto could not be as is evident from what 'Hindutva' forces (RSS / BJP)  have done to Indian Muslims especially since the Babri-masjid episode).   

Hence when the ruler of the world the USA killed / allowed to be killed many people of other religions [non-Christians like Muslims (in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen. Palestine, Bangladesh etc) and Buddhist, Hindus etc of Sri Lanka and pacific countries Vietnam etc], rest of the world didn’t  consider it unusual or abnormal for a ruler (the USA) hence kept quiet (notwithstanding minor grumblings about it by the rest of the world). But now when Russia is killing people and that too, Christians in Ukraine it is a matter of grave concern to the rest of mankind because it raises an important question that - ‘now who is the ruler of the world (in this age of globalization)’ ? The mankind is worried and puzzled because it is not understanding that the war in Ukraine will ultimately be decided on Religio-Ethnic divide leading to two coexisting West & East empires headed by the USA of Western Christianity & Russia of Eastern Christianity, as explained below:-

(1)- First and foremost people should understand that the ultimate arbiter of State matters is military power and there is a  difference between military power and merely military capabilities. Presently no country or group of countries (including the USA, China, Europe, India etc) have military power (because they don’t want to use it may be due to nuclear age)  and they have only military capabilities. The only country presently having military power is Russia which wants to use rather is using its military power in Ukraine (notwithstanding likely nuclear flare-up rather using the nuclear threat).

(2)- The USA will come to senses about its leadership role only after said two blocks are created. Presently the USA is not protecting Ukraine despite ‘Budapest Memorandum’ because now the USA is a tired & retired nation mainly because majority of its people (who matter in any democracy) are here (like Asian Indian Americans, the millions of people from my country) to merely fill their tummy & produce children (the ‘shishnodars’) and do not have any interest in the global leadership role of the USA. as mentioned at:-

https://chauthiduniya.com/usa-doesnt-understand-importance-of-rule-of-law-after-ukraine-russia-in-better-position-to-lead-world-order-if-launches-socialist-jihad-v-s-capitalist-jihad/ This has left the field open for Russia to carve out another empire in competition to the empire of the USA (supported by the West) by way of constant threat that it will bombard the Europe (and will get itself bombarded) if Russian demands are not met (which the West led by the USA can’t accept if it has to retain its world rulership). 

(3)- There are two major reasons that Russia will not stop before carving out an empire for it:-

(i)- Russia knows that after World War II it is the first time that war (Ukraine war) is being fought on European soil which matters a lot for the USA too because Europe is the main support base of the USA in NATO. Therefore Russia can get practically whatever it wants by nuclear blackmailing about sending the entire European landmass to the stone age.

(ii)- Leadership doesn’t come easily to every country, rather it is in the DNA of some people. In addition to the USA (which tried to rule the world through Capitalist-Jihad) Russia failed in ruling the world when its Communist-Jihad failed after collapse of the USSR but now it can again rule the world (substantial part of it through said Russian block, as the second best) through Socialist Jihad as mentioned above.  

(4)- This is bound to  lead to two coexisting West & East empires headed by Christian USA & Russia which is politically (including militarily) viable because (as the old wisdom goes) geography is half the politics. The  American Block will have countries West of Russia practicing Western Christianity (Catholics & Protestants) and Russian Block will have countries East of Russia practicing Easter Christianity (Orthodox Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Chinese religions. The American block will prefer Russia to head the Russian block due to two reasons (i)- It is practical because only Christianity can bring all other religionists of Russian block into some political arrangement (ii)- Western Christianity will prefer to see a Christian country (Russia) to be head of the Russian block.

(5)- There are only two surmountable problems in the path of the Christians in ushering the mankind in these two blocks (American & Russian) :-

(i)- China (out of its false ego) will not agree so easily to play second fiddle (as the West is playing to the USA) to Russia. But the Western Christian American block will see to it that China (with military capabilities and not military power) succumb and fall in line to come under the leadership of Western Christian Russia.  

(ii)- India rather Hindu majority India may not like to become part of the Russian block where Muslims and Chinese would be in more assertive positions. But India has no choice in this matter because India is surrounded by China, Russia (also through Muslim Central Asian countries), Muslim countries (including militant- Jihadi Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran). Therefore without the military support of the West led by the USA (with US-boots on ground), India can’t survive. The West led by the US due to ethnic prejudices (which the USA has inherited from its colonial masters, the Britishers) will never shed its blood for Indians.

[India is such a politically naive country (and politically immature in managing democratic polity) that it does not understand that the Britishers lost its largest and most important empire in India (which despite its many mistakes and injustices in India was benefiting India immensely by way of not only bringing modern knowledge and institutions to India but also by bringing vast united-India under one political authority) for the simple reason that Britishers were racially prejudiced to the extent that they didn’t give equal rights to even Anglo-Indians and didn’t launch their political party in India and instead foolishly left politics (the ‘dirty’ work) in the hands of political humbugs like Gandhi, Jinnah, Nehru, Patel, Suhrawardy, Liaquat Ali,  etc who were so politically immature & irresponsible that they trifurcated the motherland. As far as the then Congress leaders are concerned the then US President FDR said when Congress launched ‘Quit India movement’ during the War - “Do you want fascist Hitler to win?”].

(6)-   In a nutshell the White European race practicing Western Christianity will achieve its long cherished dream of not having any thing to do with the 'dirty work & affairs' of the blacks and browns and yellows (Chinese, Hindus and Muslims) and will like to leave these 'second class' human beings under the control of Eastern Christians of Russia.

If the rest of the world doesn't see the ongoing war in Ukraine from the prism of said Religio-Ethnic divide (in the form of emerging two empires of American block led by Western Christians coexisting with Russian block led by Eastern Christians) then in the future it will be unnecessarily surprised and puzzled on every emerging political & military occurrence related to Ukraine war and its fall-out.

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