In a powerful move to combat the deeply entrenched issue of bonded labor in Pakistan, LEAD Ministries continues its relentless efforts to free vuln
A misogynist is a person who hates or doesn’t trust women. The counterpart of misogyny is misandry, the hatred or dislike of men. A misandrist is a person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against men. A philogynist is a person who strongly loves or admires women. He claims that his actions are those of a philogynist. A philandrist is a person who loves men.
Gender equality has been a long debated subject in the Human Rights Field. It should be in the center of human interaction in every sphere of life. Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It is our mutual responsibility to recognize gender as a spectrum instead of two sets of antagonistic ideals and values. Achieving gender equality requires equally the participation of all women and men, girls and boys.
Women's rights are human rights and have a long debate to defend women rights on the globe. It is a long list related with presumption of women’s rights includes but not limited the right to bodily integrity to be free from sexual violence, and to have equal rights in family law. The right to be free from sexual violence is not only women rights issue; it is a gender neutral and men are also equally victims of sexual violence. Law should treat both men and women equally; law also should be gender neutral. Justice should be delivered equally as well.
International Women’s Day is celebrated every year in March. Women have long been recognized as key drivers for family life. Family progress has been connected with women in every house. The day reflects the role played by women in society for change and progress and it is being celebrated across the world to honor women. Women should be encouraged and appraised for their respective roles played in society.
Mostly in south Asian countries law related to sexual violence is not gender neutral, in particular, rape is legally defined as penile penetration into the vagina, which makes it a gender-specific crime, where only men can be perpetrators and only women can be victims of rape. This is an issue of gender inequality. Penile penetration can be forced under threat of false implication in attempt of rape and as a defense against the violent behavior of the criminal woman. Women can be a tool in the hands of men to take revenge or undue gain from the individuals. Women can play the victim-card to get undue gains. It is not fair that in sexual offences only men are perpetrators. It is time for to consider gender-neutral rape laws in these South Asian countries.
We learn from the Bible the schemes of Potiphar’s wife and Joseph’s imprisonment, in the same way, in modern era cases are being registered against innocents particularly in South Asian countries. In this modern age, Potiphar’s wife and Joseph are present, and we can learn by theirs examples as a Modern Potiphar’s wife and Modern Joseph how rape laws are being abused. Modern Potiphar’s wife would have conspired with her family members to arrest Modern Joseph by their nefarious schemes. She would have called Modern Joseph at her house and taken off her clothes and come naked in front of him. She would have forced him for having sex with her. He would have refused her sexual advances and offered her verbal resistance repeatedly. She would have threatened him if he would not have sex with her, she would start to cry and to make a noise, and to say he had attempted to rape her. He might have repeatedly requested her that he was a respectable person and in society he had a great honor and respect, “please do not do this”. Then she might have threatened him that she was going to call Potiphar to tell him that her clothes were removed by him. He would have been compelled to surrender himself before her sexual advances and she would have consented consensual intercourse. Then her operators would have forcibly taken off all his clothes and under threats of hurting him by a knife and made a nude video clip on the mobile phone. The sexual harassment by Potiphar’s wife took place in a power relationship that disadvantaged Joseph. But in this modern age Modern Potiphar’s wife and Modern Joseph case, the sexual harassment by modern woman took place not only in a power relationship that disadvantaged modern Joseph but also due to law and justice system which gives favor to modern woman as there are no gender neutral sexual violence laws.
We can learn from many such instances that life is not fair. But, as human beings, we are called to do justice. It’s traumatic; we feel for only women are victims of sexual violence, but in reality, we need not be discriminated against men who are themselves victims of sexual violence. Our feelings should be there gender neutral for the victims of sexual violence. In many cases the fake accuser could have a history of lying to authorities or committing fraud by misrepresentation. Sometimes their modus operandi is to claim to be raped solely for getting sympathy. False accusers who constantly persist in pursuing charges have a previous history of criminal fraud and they have with the support of their criminal family members. A false accuser may falsely accuse anyone of an offence out of jealousy, anger, revenge, undue gains or mixture of all these elements. Falsely and maliciously to indict another for sexual offence or to procure another to be charged or arrested for rape will have a devastating impact on the victim of false rape charges. Rape is a heinous crime that deserves the hardest punishment but women often use it in the wrong way, what in such situation where women provoked by her paternal uncle or his friends to do so. Women can be a tool in the hands of men for their rivals’ victimization or men can use women as a tool for victimization of their rivals. Human Rights should be promoted and protected equally for men and women. Authorities should differentiate truth and lies in protecting victims. Lies are victimization and exploitation, but truth is for humanity and integrity. Lies become the causes of destruction of faith and believe, but truth gives life to trust and protection.
It would be a great human disaster if the fountain of Justice is allowed to be poisoned by anyone giving false statements and abusing the law. The stream of Justice has to be kept clear and pure and anyone soiling its purity must be dealt with sternly so that the message drains loud and clear that no one can be permitted to undermine the dignity of the law and justice. It could be achieved when law and justice should treat men and women equally. Finally it is possible when sexual violence laws would be gender neutral.
Gender equality has been a long debated subject in the Human Rights Field. It should be in the center of human interaction in every sphere of life. Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It is our mutual responsibility to recognize gender as a spectrum instead of two sets of antagonistic ideals and values. Achieving gender equality requires equally the participation of all women and men, girls and boys.
Women's rights are human rights and have a long debate to defend women rights on the globe. It is a long list related with presumption of women’s rights includes but not limited the right to bodily integrity to be free from sexual violence, and to have equal rights in family law. The right to be free from sexual violence is not only women rights issue; it is a gender neutral and men are also equally victims of sexual violence. Law should treat both men and women equally; law also should be gender neutral. Justice should be delivered equally as well.
International Women’s Day is celebrated every year in March. Women have long been recognized as key drivers for family life. Family progress has been connected with women in every house. The day reflects the role played by women in society for change and progress and it is being celebrated across the world to honor women. Women should be encouraged and appraised for their respective roles played in society.
Mostly in south Asian countries law related to sexual violence is not gender neutral, in particular, rape is legally defined as penile penetration into the vagina, which makes it a gender-specific crime, where only men can be perpetrators and only women can be victims of rape. This is an issue of gender inequality. Penile penetration can be forced under threat of false implication in attempt of rape and as a defense against the violent behavior of the criminal woman. Women can be a tool in the hands of men to take revenge or undue gain from the individuals. Women can play the victim-card to get undue gains. It is not fair that in sexual offences only men are perpetrators. It is time for to consider gender-neutral rape laws in these South Asian countries.
We learn from the Bible the schemes of Potiphar’s wife and Joseph’s imprisonment, in the same way, in modern era cases are being registered against innocents particularly in South Asian countries. In this modern age, Potiphar’s wife and Joseph are present, and we can learn by theirs examples as a Modern Potiphar’s wife and Modern Joseph how rape laws are being abused. Modern Potiphar’s wife would have conspired with her family members to arrest Modern Joseph by their nefarious schemes. She would have called Modern Joseph at her house and taken off her clothes and come naked in front of him. She would have forced him for having sex with her. He would have refused her sexual advances and offered her verbal resistance repeatedly. She would have threatened him if he would not have sex with her, she would start to cry and to make a noise, and to say he had attempted to rape her. He might have repeatedly requested her that he was a respectable person and in society he had a great honor and respect, “please do not do this”. Then she might have threatened him that she was going to call Potiphar to tell him that her clothes were removed by him. He would have been compelled to surrender himself before her sexual advances and she would have consented consensual intercourse. Then her operators would have forcibly taken off all his clothes and under threats of hurting him by a knife and made a nude video clip on the mobile phone. The sexual harassment by Potiphar’s wife took place in a power relationship that disadvantaged Joseph. But in this modern age Modern Potiphar’s wife and Modern Joseph case, the sexual harassment by modern woman took place not only in a power relationship that disadvantaged modern Joseph but also due to law and justice system which gives favor to modern woman as there are no gender neutral sexual violence laws.
We can learn from many such instances that life is not fair. But, as human beings, we are called to do justice. It’s traumatic; we feel for only women are victims of sexual violence, but in reality, we need not be discriminated against men who are themselves victims of sexual violence. Our feelings should be there gender neutral for the victims of sexual violence. In many cases the fake accuser could have a history of lying to authorities or committing fraud by misrepresentation. Sometimes their modus operandi is to claim to be raped solely for getting sympathy. False accusers who constantly persist in pursuing charges have a previous history of criminal fraud and they have with the support of their criminal family members. A false accuser may falsely accuse anyone of an offence out of jealousy, anger, revenge, undue gains or mixture of all these elements. Falsely and maliciously to indict another for sexual offence or to procure another to be charged or arrested for rape will have a devastating impact on the victim of false rape charges. Rape is a heinous crime that deserves the hardest punishment but women often use it in the wrong way, what in such situation where women provoked by her paternal uncle or his friends to do so. Women can be a tool in the hands of men for their rivals’ victimization or men can use women as a tool for victimization of their rivals. Human Rights should be promoted and protected equally for men and women. Authorities should differentiate truth and lies in protecting victims. Lies are victimization and exploitation, but truth is for humanity and integrity. Lies become the causes of destruction of faith and believe, but truth gives life to trust and protection.
It would be a great human disaster if the fountain of Justice is allowed to be poisoned by anyone giving false statements and abusing the law. The stream of Justice has to be kept clear and pure and anyone soiling its purity must be dealt with sternly so that the message drains loud and clear that no one can be permitted to undermine the dignity of the law and justice. It could be achieved when law and justice should treat men and women equally. Finally it is possible when sexual violence laws would be gender neutral.
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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti
On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.