Prez TRump has put not only his political career but also the destiny of the USA at great risk by his cowardly & frivolous behaviour  
Shehbaz lost Punjab Assembly election because didn’t bring Nawaz back to Pakistan. By Hem Raj Jain

The Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) led by former PM Imran Khan on Sunday routed the PML-N by winning 15 seats in the crucial by-elections on 20 seats that got vacated after the disqualification of PTI members who had voted for Hamza Shehbaz for Punjab chief minister’s office as reported at
People may be thinking that PML-N led by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif lost so badly in this election mainly due to two factors (i)- Economic handling by the Shehbaz government is unpopular with the people and (ii)- Imran is very popular among the people. There may be some truth in both these arguments but these are not as decisive in bringing these election results as they are believed to be.
The main reason is the simple fact that Shehbaz does not have ‘Karishma’ (appeal etc) to attract the people for voting for PML-N and this ‘Karishma’ only Nawaz Sharif has (even Mariam Nawaz is also not an alternative to Nawaz as far as electoral appeal is concerned).
Shehbaz committed the mistake of not getting Nawaz in Pakistan even till date due to his wrong impression / fear that - “[Nawaz is discredited in the eyes of the people because he is accused (and even sentenced) in corruption cases and left the country allegedly by political & legal manipulations hence Nawaz will be immediately arrested and put in jail by judiciary if he returns to Pakistan hence Nawaz will be a political liability if returns to Pakistan]”.
This impression / opinion / fear of Shehbaz is legally & politically untenable & wrong. Rather Shehbaz should go strictly as per legal considerations. Shehbaz should understand that if Nawaz Sharif has committed any crime (corruption etc) then he should certainly be punished but it should be with due process of law (and till then he is entitled for bail) moreover should not be punished by arbitrary judicial proceedings and even shouldn’t have been removed from the office of Prime Minister in a judicial coup as mentioned in my articles ( or ) the relevant part is mentioned below in reference to 2019 Azadi march of Maulana:-
“[Maulana mainly referred to the executive organ of the State (bureaucracy and security forces) to remain impartial and forgot about legislative & judiciary which are main cause of the entire illegitimate process of 2018 elections as explained below:-
(i)- Before 2018 election incumbent Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was illegally removed from office and was illegally not allowed to contest 2018 election by what is termed by national and international media as ‘judicial coup’ [which brazenly violated the political rights of Nawaz his Party PML (N) and its other candidates and the people who were denied the legitimate political choice] as reported also at ; and ; and ; and ;
(ii)- The said media coverage says that this judicial coup was carried out by Supreme Court of Pakistan (SCP) by violating every principle and tenets of jurisprudence where (A)- Nawaz was denied the benefit of a legal trial (B)- SCP accepted findings of an investigative panel, on which two of the six members were from the same military establishment (which deposed him from Premiership in 1999) that wanted his exit, ( C)- Had this been about corruption, there would have been a trial, not direct intervention by the Supreme Court, which should only be the court of final appeal in criminal matters (D)- PCB handed down a lasting disqualification against Nawaz bypassing a fair trial without giving him the benefit of an appeal (E)- An entire mechanism exists under ROPA that also allows for an appeal, but SCP went straight to Article 62(1)(f) of the Constitution (F)- Nawaz was disqualified for LIFE though there is no explicit legal provision to do so]”.
Here it is in context to add that the then demand by PDM led by Maulana of immediate fresh election of the National Assembly is now not relevant because it was against the Imran government which had already been removed by a no-trust vote.
Therefore if Shehbaz wants his government to continue till its full term up to 2023 and wants all the coalition partners in his government at center to win the 2023 election for National Assembly then he should immediately get Nawaz Sharif back into Pakistan and ask Nawaz to file fresh writ petitions in the SCP for quashing the judicial orders / judgements of sentencing him in corruption cases and of disqualifying him for contesting elections & from holding party positions etc and instead judiciary should try him in PROPER judicial proceed starting from lower court with right to appeal in higher judiciary and right to bail till last appeal.
It is hoped Shehbaz Sharif will realize that if as Prime Minister he can’t get justice to PML-N supreme leader Nawaz Sharif and to his party PML-N then how will he get justice to the ordinary people of Pakistan. Therefore Shehbaz should immediately get Nawaz back into Pakistan and get Nawaz to lead the party PML-N also in elections including in 2023 National Assembly election (may be as PM candidate if Nawaz agrees for it or wants it) and at the same time let Nawaz face the fair trials in all the cases against him as is done in any civilized democracy with right to bail till cases are finally decided in all the appeals.
People may be thinking that PML-N led by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif lost so badly in this election mainly due to two factors (i)- Economic handling by the Shehbaz government is unpopular with the people and (ii)- Imran is very popular among the people. There may be some truth in both these arguments but these are not as decisive in bringing these election results as they are believed to be.
The main reason is the simple fact that Shehbaz does not have ‘Karishma’ (appeal etc) to attract the people for voting for PML-N and this ‘Karishma’ only Nawaz Sharif has (even Mariam Nawaz is also not an alternative to Nawaz as far as electoral appeal is concerned).
Shehbaz committed the mistake of not getting Nawaz in Pakistan even till date due to his wrong impression / fear that - “[Nawaz is discredited in the eyes of the people because he is accused (and even sentenced) in corruption cases and left the country allegedly by political & legal manipulations hence Nawaz will be immediately arrested and put in jail by judiciary if he returns to Pakistan hence Nawaz will be a political liability if returns to Pakistan]”.
This impression / opinion / fear of Shehbaz is legally & politically untenable & wrong. Rather Shehbaz should go strictly as per legal considerations. Shehbaz should understand that if Nawaz Sharif has committed any crime (corruption etc) then he should certainly be punished but it should be with due process of law (and till then he is entitled for bail) moreover should not be punished by arbitrary judicial proceedings and even shouldn’t have been removed from the office of Prime Minister in a judicial coup as mentioned in my articles ( or ) the relevant part is mentioned below in reference to 2019 Azadi march of Maulana:-
“[Maulana mainly referred to the executive organ of the State (bureaucracy and security forces) to remain impartial and forgot about legislative & judiciary which are main cause of the entire illegitimate process of 2018 elections as explained below:-
(i)- Before 2018 election incumbent Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was illegally removed from office and was illegally not allowed to contest 2018 election by what is termed by national and international media as ‘judicial coup’ [which brazenly violated the political rights of Nawaz his Party PML (N) and its other candidates and the people who were denied the legitimate political choice] as reported also at ; and ; and ; and ;
(ii)- The said media coverage says that this judicial coup was carried out by Supreme Court of Pakistan (SCP) by violating every principle and tenets of jurisprudence where (A)- Nawaz was denied the benefit of a legal trial (B)- SCP accepted findings of an investigative panel, on which two of the six members were from the same military establishment (which deposed him from Premiership in 1999) that wanted his exit, ( C)- Had this been about corruption, there would have been a trial, not direct intervention by the Supreme Court, which should only be the court of final appeal in criminal matters (D)- PCB handed down a lasting disqualification against Nawaz bypassing a fair trial without giving him the benefit of an appeal (E)- An entire mechanism exists under ROPA that also allows for an appeal, but SCP went straight to Article 62(1)(f) of the Constitution (F)- Nawaz was disqualified for LIFE though there is no explicit legal provision to do so]”.
Here it is in context to add that the then demand by PDM led by Maulana of immediate fresh election of the National Assembly is now not relevant because it was against the Imran government which had already been removed by a no-trust vote.
Therefore if Shehbaz wants his government to continue till its full term up to 2023 and wants all the coalition partners in his government at center to win the 2023 election for National Assembly then he should immediately get Nawaz Sharif back into Pakistan and ask Nawaz to file fresh writ petitions in the SCP for quashing the judicial orders / judgements of sentencing him in corruption cases and of disqualifying him for contesting elections & from holding party positions etc and instead judiciary should try him in PROPER judicial proceed starting from lower court with right to appeal in higher judiciary and right to bail till last appeal.
It is hoped Shehbaz Sharif will realize that if as Prime Minister he can’t get justice to PML-N supreme leader Nawaz Sharif and to his party PML-N then how will he get justice to the ordinary people of Pakistan. Therefore Shehbaz should immediately get Nawaz back into Pakistan and get Nawaz to lead the party PML-N also in elections including in 2023 National Assembly election (may be as PM candidate if Nawaz agrees for it or wants it) and at the same time let Nawaz face the fair trials in all the cases against him as is done in any civilized democracy with right to bail till cases are finally decided in all the appeals.
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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti
On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.