The Palestinians instead of getting wasted in martyrdom syndrome should take mercy at least on their long suffering old people, women an
If US-religions don’t up-date & proselytize developing world (as per religious freedom), world doesn’t have any future at-least through USA. By Hem Raj Jain

As the age-old wisdom goes, the most difficult thing in the world is to take money from someone because generally people give money after deliberation. That is why if the followers of religions (like Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism etc) are giving lot of money, wealth, land, landed properties to their religions it is not surprising. Religion deals with the totality of life and it is not merely the custodian of the values of the society (which keeps the religion up-dated and relevant to this-world) but deals with other-worldly matters also the matters before birth and after death of a person. This is the reason that the majority of the people all across the world not only follow religions but the religions have tremendous influence over the people about their activities (physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual).
In the contemporary world mankind has become immensely & predominantly powerful due to modern technology & sciences (not only material and life related but social too) out of the progress brought about by Europe and European origin countries (the West presently led by the USA). Free-mind is necessary for the progress of modern science & technology for which ‘rules based secular democracy’ is sine-qua-non. That is the reason the USA launched the UN on its soil where the USA is supposed to lead the global order for gradually propagating and injecting ‘rules based secular democracy’ all across the world. But the way the political establishment of the USA is conducting itself, if US-religions don’t up-date themselves and then proselytize (as per religious freedom) then the world doesn’t have any future at-least through the USA, as mentioned below. Due to paucity of space, few examples are given below the way the USA is damaging ‘rules based secular democracy’ in the USA itself and all across the world:-
(i)- As far as rule of law, the USA allowed millions of illegal immigrants decades after decades who snatched jobs from legal residents of the USA and harmed them in many ways. Now the children of illegal immigrant parents who were born on US-soil are US-citizens (as per the 14th amendment of US-constitution) and they in thousands are begging on the streets all across the USA (especially after the Corona period). But it doesn't trouble the conscience. of the political and religious leaders of the USA.
(ii)- As far as secularism, the USA supports the theocratic State of Israel which has expelled Muslims / Palestinians from their motherland and now the two-State solution is mischievously recommended. In Muslim world (Afghanistan, Iraq, NAME region including Syria, Libya etc) which came under the control of the US-military the USA could have easily insisted on ‘rules based secular democracy’ but the USA didn’t do it with the result the people of these regions are suffering immensely.
(iii)- Undivided India presently of about 1.8 billion people was partitioned in 1945 when India was member of the US-sponsored UN. The population transfer was not there in ‘Indian Independence Act 1947’ but mass scale forced population transfer was allowed (killing at least 1 million and displacing 10 million people in gory situation) which has thoroughly communalized the region and is still preventing the progress of the region. This communalization can easily be eliminated and secularism can easily be established in this region by (A)- Granting ‘dual citizenship’ to about 160 million Hindus / Sikhs / Muslims and their descendants who were forcibly displaced from their mother land (B)- By plebiscite in J&K as per IoA and in Balochistan who’s IOA was taken under military pressure. But the USA never ensured these through the UN
(iv)- The USA should have been participatory where members would have voting rights commensurate with their contribution of men (including military), money, material (including military) and their record of human rights. But the USA allowed veto rights to some members in the UN which are not practicing ‘rules based secular democracy’ and are most of the time opposing the USA by giving any excuse.
(v)- The USA never ensured religious freedom globally hence in developing world (practicing Islam, Hinduism etc) proselytization by religions of the USA (and of the West) is opposed even by violence with the complicity of the State institutions. This is the biggest reason that the USA has failed to propagate the ‘rules based secular democracy’ all across the world.
(vi)- People talk about democracy but don’t understand that people don’t rule directly but always through political parties. But the USA is not serious about the development of political parties even in the USA. In the USA the Democrats and Republicans go to White House and Congress hence it can be said that half of the USA support each of these parties (and their allies). After the 2020 elections the Republicans are complaining consistently (in various public meetings also) that elections were rigged hence former Prez Trump couldn’t remain in White House. If it is true then the Republicans should be on streets to protest / demonstrate (even by ‘fill the prison’ movement) against such murder of democracy where the political rights of half of the USA are allegedly snatched criminally. But nobody is questioning the Republicans on this dereliction. If a political party can’t get justice to itself how will it get justice to the general public ?
(vii)- Moreover it is a matter of common knowledge that the elected representatives generally work for those who finance their elections. They will work for political parties only when political parties finance the elections of their candidates. But the USA has made the role of private financing so huge (billions of dollars) and decisive that the entire electoral process of the USA has been rendered to a vulgar level to an extent where economically humble people are suffering but practically have no say in the USA.
(viii)- Protests / demonstrations are the lifeblood of democracy hence happens all over the world in democracies. But on January 6 demonstration by Republicans before Congress (Capitol) was not properly managed by security forces which resulted in unnecessary violence and destruction but even in absurd impeachments against former Prez Trump (though he was not present in person at the site).
(ix)- In the on-going cold war - II between ‘liberal Western democracy’ and ‘authoritarian Chinese democracy’ by this time the USA & its allies should have recognized Tibet, Taiwan and Xinjiang province who are the victims of the authoritarian anti-human rights government of China. But on the contrary Prez Biden, former President Trump and many members of their political parties have criticized Speaker Nancy Pelosi who went to Taiwan in support of democracy.
(x)- The P-5 countries of the UN have made their own arrangements through their separate military alliance like NATO and Russo-China military alliance whereas remaining member countries have been left on the mercy of the defunct UN for their safety & security. This created the crisis like the Ukraine war also where in 2013 the West tried to dislodge the elected government through engineered demonstrations and then got it changed through military coup which resulted in annexation of Crimea by Russia and now Russia is busy taking Donbass and neighboring regions of Ukraine, militarily despite ‘Budapest Memorandum’.
(xi)- Despite the non-proliferation regime of the UN the USA allowed some countries (P-5 + India, Pakistan, Israel) to have nukes (the WMDs) as if they have some divine right to have nukes. This discriminatory policy of the USA has brought the entire mankind on the brink of nuclear catastrophe especially after on-going Ukraine war and Taiwan crisis.
(xii)- Entire world suffered from Corona (Covid-19 and variants which even killed immensely) but the USA only stopped at saying that it originated from a laboratory. The USA never bothered to investigate this allegation through the world body and recommend enforceable regime & protocols for such labs in order to avoid such pandemics in future.
In view of the degeneration of the US-polity (as is evident from some examples out of many, as mentioned above) if US-religions don’t up-date themselves and then don’t proselytize especially in developing world (as per religious freedom) then the world doesn’t have any future at-least through the USA.
In the contemporary world mankind has become immensely & predominantly powerful due to modern technology & sciences (not only material and life related but social too) out of the progress brought about by Europe and European origin countries (the West presently led by the USA). Free-mind is necessary for the progress of modern science & technology for which ‘rules based secular democracy’ is sine-qua-non. That is the reason the USA launched the UN on its soil where the USA is supposed to lead the global order for gradually propagating and injecting ‘rules based secular democracy’ all across the world. But the way the political establishment of the USA is conducting itself, if US-religions don’t up-date themselves and then proselytize (as per religious freedom) then the world doesn’t have any future at-least through the USA, as mentioned below. Due to paucity of space, few examples are given below the way the USA is damaging ‘rules based secular democracy’ in the USA itself and all across the world:-
(i)- As far as rule of law, the USA allowed millions of illegal immigrants decades after decades who snatched jobs from legal residents of the USA and harmed them in many ways. Now the children of illegal immigrant parents who were born on US-soil are US-citizens (as per the 14th amendment of US-constitution) and they in thousands are begging on the streets all across the USA (especially after the Corona period). But it doesn't trouble the conscience. of the political and religious leaders of the USA.
(ii)- As far as secularism, the USA supports the theocratic State of Israel which has expelled Muslims / Palestinians from their motherland and now the two-State solution is mischievously recommended. In Muslim world (Afghanistan, Iraq, NAME region including Syria, Libya etc) which came under the control of the US-military the USA could have easily insisted on ‘rules based secular democracy’ but the USA didn’t do it with the result the people of these regions are suffering immensely.
(iii)- Undivided India presently of about 1.8 billion people was partitioned in 1945 when India was member of the US-sponsored UN. The population transfer was not there in ‘Indian Independence Act 1947’ but mass scale forced population transfer was allowed (killing at least 1 million and displacing 10 million people in gory situation) which has thoroughly communalized the region and is still preventing the progress of the region. This communalization can easily be eliminated and secularism can easily be established in this region by (A)- Granting ‘dual citizenship’ to about 160 million Hindus / Sikhs / Muslims and their descendants who were forcibly displaced from their mother land (B)- By plebiscite in J&K as per IoA and in Balochistan who’s IOA was taken under military pressure. But the USA never ensured these through the UN
(iv)- The USA should have been participatory where members would have voting rights commensurate with their contribution of men (including military), money, material (including military) and their record of human rights. But the USA allowed veto rights to some members in the UN which are not practicing ‘rules based secular democracy’ and are most of the time opposing the USA by giving any excuse.
(v)- The USA never ensured religious freedom globally hence in developing world (practicing Islam, Hinduism etc) proselytization by religions of the USA (and of the West) is opposed even by violence with the complicity of the State institutions. This is the biggest reason that the USA has failed to propagate the ‘rules based secular democracy’ all across the world.
(vi)- People talk about democracy but don’t understand that people don’t rule directly but always through political parties. But the USA is not serious about the development of political parties even in the USA. In the USA the Democrats and Republicans go to White House and Congress hence it can be said that half of the USA support each of these parties (and their allies). After the 2020 elections the Republicans are complaining consistently (in various public meetings also) that elections were rigged hence former Prez Trump couldn’t remain in White House. If it is true then the Republicans should be on streets to protest / demonstrate (even by ‘fill the prison’ movement) against such murder of democracy where the political rights of half of the USA are allegedly snatched criminally. But nobody is questioning the Republicans on this dereliction. If a political party can’t get justice to itself how will it get justice to the general public ?
(vii)- Moreover it is a matter of common knowledge that the elected representatives generally work for those who finance their elections. They will work for political parties only when political parties finance the elections of their candidates. But the USA has made the role of private financing so huge (billions of dollars) and decisive that the entire electoral process of the USA has been rendered to a vulgar level to an extent where economically humble people are suffering but practically have no say in the USA.
(viii)- Protests / demonstrations are the lifeblood of democracy hence happens all over the world in democracies. But on January 6 demonstration by Republicans before Congress (Capitol) was not properly managed by security forces which resulted in unnecessary violence and destruction but even in absurd impeachments against former Prez Trump (though he was not present in person at the site).
(ix)- In the on-going cold war - II between ‘liberal Western democracy’ and ‘authoritarian Chinese democracy’ by this time the USA & its allies should have recognized Tibet, Taiwan and Xinjiang province who are the victims of the authoritarian anti-human rights government of China. But on the contrary Prez Biden, former President Trump and many members of their political parties have criticized Speaker Nancy Pelosi who went to Taiwan in support of democracy.
(x)- The P-5 countries of the UN have made their own arrangements through their separate military alliance like NATO and Russo-China military alliance whereas remaining member countries have been left on the mercy of the defunct UN for their safety & security. This created the crisis like the Ukraine war also where in 2013 the West tried to dislodge the elected government through engineered demonstrations and then got it changed through military coup which resulted in annexation of Crimea by Russia and now Russia is busy taking Donbass and neighboring regions of Ukraine, militarily despite ‘Budapest Memorandum’.
(xi)- Despite the non-proliferation regime of the UN the USA allowed some countries (P-5 + India, Pakistan, Israel) to have nukes (the WMDs) as if they have some divine right to have nukes. This discriminatory policy of the USA has brought the entire mankind on the brink of nuclear catastrophe especially after on-going Ukraine war and Taiwan crisis.
(xii)- Entire world suffered from Corona (Covid-19 and variants which even killed immensely) but the USA only stopped at saying that it originated from a laboratory. The USA never bothered to investigate this allegation through the world body and recommend enforceable regime & protocols for such labs in order to avoid such pandemics in future.
In view of the degeneration of the US-polity (as is evident from some examples out of many, as mentioned above) if US-religions don’t up-date themselves and then don’t proselytize especially in developing world (as per religious freedom) then the world doesn’t have any future at-least through the USA.
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